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Cultivated Reef

Thinking about an upgrade, need help.


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Hello guys,


I'm thinking that I really want to upgrade to a bigger tank. At this moment I have a Pico 20G. You can see it here: http://www.nano-reef.com/topic/355096-berlibees-pico-20g-tank-6-months-update-with-images/


But I don't really understand the process of upgrading a tank, how and where to sell. To keep livestock or sell all at once. Or frag and keep in the bucket for the period till I sell everything else, etc .... many questions. Maybe you can help me to understand better what is the best way to do it step by step. Thanks! ;)



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you should stay with an AIO, i went from the JBJ 28 to the JBJ RL-45, and love it.... so much more room... my friend has his own small reef business so i kept everything at his shop.... since i just transferred my chemical media, and over 50% of the water, all the live rock, and live sand, there was no cycle at all, but i waited a week jus in case.... whatever tank you go with, i recommend transferring as much as possible from the old tank to the new, to avoid a cycle, or cut back drastically on the length of the cycle....

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What is your plan? What are you planning on upgrading to?


You have some sweet stuff in that tank I see no reason to sell it.


If you keep the livestock including live rock its really as easy as just taking it out of your established tank and putting into the new tank. The only thing i would not re-use is the sand. You might see a small cycle using new live sand. Nothing to be to worried about.

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Thank you guys, I'd like to get 2015 Artisan II with tbsaltwater rocks .... but I can't get it if I don't sell everything for good money. :) I can keep some frags for sure, but not everything. 50G Artisan II looks very cool too... :)

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I'm still planning my next upgrade. I went from a 20 tall to a 20 long. I transformed the 20 tall into a sump. Now I'm working on plans to upgrade to a 40breeder. I have a 40b with 40b sump in mind. I might build my stand and retain the 20 tall sump for the time being... but I think.I'd be more wise cycle the 40 and leave the 20 running until cyclet completed and slowly transfer over... it'd be a 2 month transition In my opinion.


Personally, id move my current setup as the new setup would be taking its place. I'd re used my 34 gallon tote to start my cycle in the garage. I'm going to start with ReefCleaners dry rock. And reef grade argaraite. I believe I'd ammonia dose.


My stand would he built and put in place, and transfer sand and rock into the setup... this would allow 4 weeks to play with scape. After I was comfortable I'd add my chromis.


Move over my softies.

After a week or two move over my clown goby.

Another week or 2 move my diamond goby.

Move some Lps over.


Just patiently move stuff over... I have no ambition to sell my current setup and plan to keep it together for future use

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I think of it this way... Unless you're taking a completely different direction with the new tank or you think you can re-stock your tank for less than what you can sell your current livestock for it would be counter-productive to sell off your current livestock.


Direction is up to you but most people cannot sell for more than what they put in... So I would make a plan for what tank you want and save up for it... Your current pumps and other equipment may or may not transfer to a larger tank - but unless you have something particularly valuable I would just hold on to everything until you can afford the new tank and the basic equipment to run it. Then do a tank swap and you can keep or sell off the old stuff then.

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