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Nikon D3200 Low Light Video - SUCKS


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I made a thing:



I don't like how the D3200 handled the low light. Noise and "light pump" effects really bug me. I really love having the macro lens for this, but I can't see using this body for this sort of thing. I think next bonus time I'll have to go shopping for a better Nikon body.

What mid-range or lower Nikon has the best low light video?

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The D3200 does not do great video, but you experienced a setting issue (I think).


Make sure you do all movies in manual mode, or one of the priority modes. Turn ISO to manual and fixed, not automatic. Then practice getting the light right and you should be good to go ... but they still aren't the greatest.


Video looks better than anything I've created with my D3100!

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You made me learn something, exposure lock. I did not know what this button did.



This kid covers a lot of things, that button being one of them. May not be your issue of course.



Doesn't sound very user friendly, this is from the d3100 review.


Nikon D3100 Video Exposure Control


While the Nikon D3100 lets you record movies directly from any of its still-image exposure modes, including aperture-priority, shutter-priority, and full manual exposure modes, the shutter speed, aperture, and ISO settings for video recording are always automatically controlled. Thus, while the controls might suggest full PASM (programmed, aperture-priority, shutter-priority, and full manual exposure) exposure control for videos, none of the modes gives you direct control over depth of field. You can, however, adjust the overall exposure both before and during exposure by holding down the D3100's top panel Exposure Compensation button and turning the Command dial on the rear panel, although the stiff detent on this will cause very noticeable handling noise if audio recording is enabled, and the change in brightness between exposure compensation steps will be clearly visible in the recorded video. Perhaps more useful is the ability to lock exposure during video recording, by holding down the AE-L / AF-L button (or with repeated presses of the button, if AE lock (hold) is enabled through the Setup menu.)


Providing a measure of creative control, the Nikon D3100 offers access to its Picture Control system for movie recording. Described in detail on the Exposure tab, this allows camera settings for sharpening, contrast, brightness, saturation, and hue to be adjusted, either automatically via presets, or manually via fine-tuning of the presets. The D3100 also allows movie recording from its Scene modes, although exposure variables from the scene modes don't seem to apply to movie capture, only AF variables (as mentioned previously).

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Yeah, apparently the D3200 fixed that. I had control over fstop and shutter speed in video mode. I set it to auto/max ASA800 though. Even locking to 800 gave way more noise than I got with the auto/max setup.


Some reading online showed that people were complaining about this in the 3200 since release. I probably could use Premiere to clean it up but ... meh. I had to use Premiere for color balance already, and that was enough of a PITA for an inexperienced duffer like me.


I still have my Canon DV camera, but it has limited macro capabilities. That's why I was trying the Nikon. I didn't buy this body for the video, I just wanted the improved sensor over my old D80. :)


I'll have to look at how exposure lock works in video. I hadn't considered that...

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  • 1 year later...

Quick fixes to reduce noise in your images:

  1. Shoot at lower ISO settings
  2. Shoot in RAW format
  3. Be careful when doing long exposures
  4. Use in-camera noise reduction

To get fixes for low light video quality you need to check Nikon D3200 Manual. Visit there and you'll get best solution for this issue. 


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