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Coral Vue Hydros

anemone or coral id before i superglue them shut


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so i bought this chalice coral and noticed these pink little flower coral or anemone my peppermint shrimp doesn't touch them. So i figured id keep this short but what are these and what should do there 1/4 inch max and seem to have 8 tentacles? They don't react unless touched and don't seem to be to fast like aptaisa. sorry my cam sucks there in the top right the bottom is obliviously polyps




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thank you for the fast responses i just looked up daisy polyps and everything from Duncans to Gsp as well as Alveopora sp. which seem to be the closest in polyp resemblance but i guess ill just leave them alone and hope they turn into something cool thank you for reassuring me that they are not majanos cause i have been poking at them periodically like the reaction might be different from day to day lol

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I had something like that on a rock of mine. They spread like wild fire worse the GSP. Couldn't kill the things. I finally returned the 4 rocks that it invaded along to my LFS who "killed" the rock to get rid of them.

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