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Noob spectrum question


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I have a noob question regarding spectrum and coral growth, and was hoping you guys can help me out. I have 2x Kessil A360 WE, and it has a color nob, and a intensity nob (white), Does the color (blue) affect coral growth?


The reason why I ask is because... I like the coloring in my tank around 0-20% because it gives my tank a deeper blue look, but I've been reading, and some people say I need to increase my blues for better overall growth.


Increasing my color nob (Blue) will take away the deep blue look in my tank, and I was just wondering if that is needed.


Currently, I am on the following schedule:




3 PM - 6 PM - Ramp from 0-20% blue

6 PM - 11 PM 20%

11 PM - 12AM- 20% down to 0%


Whites (Intensity)


3 PM - 5 PM Ramp from 0-65%

5 PM to 7 PM 65%

7 PM to 8 PM Ramp from 65% to 80%

8 PM to 10 PM 80%

10 PM to 12 AM Ramp down from 80% to 0%


I have LPS towards the bottom of my tank, and mainly Acros towards the middle/top.



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Unless you are a commercial coral farmer and are only interested in eking out that last tiny bit of growth on top of what a 'normal' system can produce, then make the light look like what you want it to look like and then adjust the intensity to what your corals need.

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