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Adding another clownfish with a platinum clown?


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Hello everyone,


Yesterday I added a little platinum clownfish to my 29g biocube.


He has been doing great swimming around a lot and getting along with the pajama cardinal fish (only other fish in tank)


I was just watching him now and he was swimming against the glass a lot almost like he was looking at his reflection and I thought it would be a great idea if I could add another clownfish to get along with. When I got him yesterday he was the only platinum clownfish at the store but they had a couple percula clowns and ocellaris clown.


I think it would be awesome if a percula would get along with the platinum. I feel like if it were be okay to, I should do it sooner rather than later before the platinum feels more established in the tank.



What do you all think? Would two different species get along together?






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I'm assuming that it is a platinum percula clown? If it is then you could add a small percula and I think they'd get along fine.


Yes it is a platinum percula. From my research as far as I can tell that is the species they have been derived from. I believe it was along the lines of true percula -> picasso clown -> platinum

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Go ahead and add a small percula then :). Smaller then your current platinum perc. The smaller one will submit and be male and the larger (platinum) with be female. Best to do it now, before the platinum gets too established.

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