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ICH? Normal?


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I just changed the lights in my aquarium yesterday from T5 to LED. Today I notice little white spots on my clown fish. I am hopeful that it is not a disease. Anyone know or seen this before? Any advise would be appreciated. Fish is about 8 years old is mating pair and they just had eggs again. water parameters are all good. Tank is established and has been up for about 8 years


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Have you added anything new to the tank recently?

+1 that's what I would start with...


So to answer your questions it's both normal and not normal.


In the wild fish deal with parasites a bit different than in captivity. From what I understand their immune systems are able to keep them at bay for the most part. Many fish wild caught and introduced into the aquarium trade therefore are minimally infected. During the acclimation (to captivity) procedure often times the parasites and other diseases gain traction.


So when I see your fish that's well established in the tank I think of a few scenarios

1) It's not "ich" but rather some other sign of aging or something else entirely. I think that if your answer to whether you have added anything to the tank recently is "no" then this is my best guess. I would observe carefully.

2) If it is "ich" then it's possible that over time it's immune system has degraded to where the parasite is physically visible. If this is the case you should probably see symptoms such as flashing, acting irritated, and changes in the spots - like they may disappear for a day or something or grow in #'s.

3) Something was added to the tank and brought the parasite in. I would treat to avoid losing such a fish.

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No not really, I added a Fire cleaner shrimp, but that was about a month ago. They are irritated, but that is because they lay eggs about every two weeks and they just laid more last night. They have been keeping the lawnmower blenny at bay all day. The Larger female has more and more pronounced spots ( I finally got her to let me take a photo and attached it ). Maybe I am just being overly cautious, or maybe not. The truth is that I just got this tank about 3 months ago from a friend and it has totally gotten me back into the hobby. I am not real knowledgeable, but at least I am smart enough to ask. I would really hate to see something happen to them though.


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Looks like ich or brook, since you just got the tank, the stress of the move could be catching up and there may have been a swing in parameters that stressed them. Or because they are so old, just the stress of being in a new environment.


It could also be your lights if they are brighter than what you had before, but if it happened over night, I would think thats unlikely. Either way, looks like ich or similar infection.

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Definitely looks like Oodinium/Brook. That stuff is worse than ich. Clowns are most susceptible to this. Your algae Blenny may never show signs.

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That is something that I forgot to say, we went on vacation. Before I went on vacation I set up my auto feeder. My niece was over and opened the auto feeder ALL THE WAY. It dumped a massive amount of food in the tank. I swept out all I could and did 2 days worth of water changed amounting to like 12gallons over the course of 2 days. My tank is a 24g nano cube. I have been closely monitoring the water conditions since we got back. All of this occurred last Saturday and I spent a lot of time on Sunday and then again on Monday doing water changes. I am certain that had a huge stress affect on the fish, but strange how they are still laying eggs and such.

So should I isolate them and treat, or is that something you can do right in the tank?

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Nothing you can treat them in your tank with. Any medication that would treat Oodinium would kill your shrimp and corals or any other invertebrates. Can you set up a QT tank? I would try that. But just to warn you from my 9 years experience Oodinium is hard for a fish to bounce back from.

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I can set up a qt tank. I would have to go get a tank from petsmart though. I have two extra power heads and still have the t5 light. Maybe I better do some research on this stuff if you guys think that is what it is.

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