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AI Prime over Fusion 40G?

2 f15hy 4u

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Would I be pushing it too much? The video for the AI Prime on marine depot said that they have it over a 20" cube. Just wondering what you guys think. Thanks :)

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Would I be pushing it too much? The video for the AI Prime on marine depot said that they have it over a 20" cube. Just wondering what you guys think. Thanks :)

It will work if you just have softies. You want SPS get the Hydra 26 which is on sale right now.

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Thank you! Do you think I could house a few SPS towards the top in the future, they aren't my main interest, but I wouldn't mind having a few down the line. If not, that's fine! :)

Would I need to get a separate controller for the Hydra?

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Thank you! Do you think I could house a few SPS towards the top in the future, they aren't my main interest, but I wouldn't mind having a few down the line. If not, that's fine! :)

Would I need to get a separate controller for the Hydra?

Yes with a hydra 26. I have a friend who has a very impressive SPS Tank running off of 3 Hydra 52's they have more than enough power to grow SPS though 40 really should have 2 of them, as long as you place the corals correctly then yes.


The AI Hydra is controlled via a separate controller made by AI or their product known as the Director that allows control wireless


There is also a button on the back that controls it but only has a few presets on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ended up with the Fusion 20 and one AI Prime for now.

Cool. How long has it been and do you have corals already? How's it working out for you? I would suggest to put a link to your tank in your signature section.

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I don't have it set up yet, unfortunately, but from what I've been doing with it it seems like a nice light. I've seen nothing but good things about it. I might buy a second one later just because the spread won't quite be enough for decent corals all over.

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