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What the heck is the deal with Royal Grammas


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I swear this fish is like a drama queen. It has been fine for the past week or so in his QT tank, but this morning before my final at 8:00 I noticed him perched on top of the heater holder not moving at all. I was so pissed because I thought he was dead, but when I nudged him it was almost as if it woke up and swam to the bottom and did the same thing. He has been acting really funny since late last night when I noticed him just chilled in the little plastic tree. I know that they are a chill kinda fish but, up until now he has been moving about the tank when ever he can't see me, and eating when ever I feed. Now he won't eat, and is just laying on the sand next to the little plastic plant and rock in there.


I am a noob to Gramma's, but not to bass family at all. I have never seen a fish that did this but have heard of some that sleep by just laying down on their side or up against a rock. Realizing that he is a cave dwelling fish made me think that this is normal but I wanted to run it by ya'll.

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Yes, they are drama queens, LOL. Mine will sit in his little cave and wait for food and such, if another fish gets near the cave he will open his mouth as wide as he can and puff up at the same time ??? (I think it's hilarious to watch). When he was at the lfs he was near the filter intake and if you tried to scare him he wouldn't come off of it. It was like it was attached to the filter intake :o. Oh well it's still a great fish to watch. I would guess that they have different personality on different days just like us humans :P.

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I hope it is personality and not a dead i nality....did that work, I didn't think so either. Maybe you are right though, and there is no since in worrying now because he is in the QT tank for just this reason, to make sure he doens't have any illnesses that will kill other critters. Hopefully I will get to see the bass yawn from my gramma like I see out of my largemouth.


Anyone else ever see there grammas do this?

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Welp I am now feeding my bristle worms and hermits to an expensive dinner. The gramma died a hard death. So here is the moral to the story...don't ever by a single damn thing from Atlantis Aquarium in Marietta GA, not one thing I have bought from them has ever lived.

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My Royal Gramma died in the most retarted way what happened was i went on vacatio and he was extremely good health came back and found him wedged extremely hard in te live rock where i literally had to scrape his remains out with a knife! that made so mad!

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Naw, if it was just that I think he would have been pissed off enough to move more than he did. He was sick, and the store tha I bought it from addmited that they have had an outbreak of sicknesses lately.


I got back on the horse yesterday, and went to a store so respectable even their sign twinkles. Got another gramma, and have a guarentee from them that if ich shows up in the tank that they will not only replace the gramma but also any other fish that is in there. They were thrilled to know that there are no other fish in there. So he is getting used to his surroundings today. Funny how this fish isn't affraid of anything at all. He will come right up to the glass and say hello, and he has already founs a good spot to nestle down in. I guess I had better get him a harem to play with....well he wishes I would but three in one tank is way to much...I'm already pushing it with him and maybe one more fish.

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if he was "gasping" for air the dissolved oxygen in the tank could be low or he could have had a parasitical infection in his gills? (which would explain why he was wedged in the rock...he may have been trying to scratch the parasites off?).. i'm sorry to hear he died. good luck with your new one! -Ian

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Well in that case I guess he is just gonna be billy badass in my tank then. His mouth is huge when he does the bass yawn, and if there were some females in there they would all be like wow look how large his....mouth is.

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