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JEBO pumps any good?


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Starting a Nano Cube 28 and need two new pumps. I was leaning towards the stock Accela pumps as the most economical option until I ran across the JEBO pumps (any relation to JEBAO?). These will be running on the Ocean Pulse Duo wavemaker.


The Accela Sp-1000 @ 266 GPH are $26 each on Amazon

The Cobalt MJ1200 @ 295 GPH are $40 each on Amazon


The JEBO AP1500 @ 290 GPH are $17 on Amazon

The JEBO AP1800 @ 345 GPH are $19 on Amazon


Has anyone used the JEBO pumps?


345 GPH sounds like some awesome flow!! The product dimensions are a little confusing to understand and I'm not sure if the JEBO pumps will fit in my NC 28.


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They are both the same company, recently changed names to consolidate a larger term. I Have never personally owned a Jebao pump though I have the DP-3 (Dosing Pump) in the mail right now, I have read several reviews and heard several people that have nothing but good things to say about the product. For every bad review I could find I could easily find just as many or more for more well known names in the business. I personally look at it this way, with as many people with good praises It's worth a shot and if it doesn't work out your not out a bunch of money, hell even if it only gives you a year of functionality you can typically re buy it 3 or 4 times before matching other prices getting the same amount of life in total.

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I had a pump just like the AP1800, except it wasn't JEBO brand, it was something else. It seemed to lose some of it's poop after a short time, so I started using it in my mix container. It started leaking voltage soon after that. I actually zapped myself twice as the first time I thought it was a nerve zinger up my arm as I was leaning heavily on the lip of a container as I was stirring in the salt. It felt a little pins and needles like a pinched nerve. So, stop stirring, rub my arm a bit, think to myself not to lean so heavily on the edge of the container and...




Now I just use a stir stick, no power head.


Oh, and I don't monkey around in the fish room barefoot anymore.

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I had a pump just like the AP1800, except it wasn't JEBO brand, it was something else. It seemed to lose some of it's poop after a short time, so I started using it in my mix container. It started leaking voltage soon after that. I actually zapped myself twice as the first time I thought it was a nerve zinger up my arm as I was leaning heavily on the lip of a container as I was stirring in the salt. It felt a little pins and needles like a pinched nerve. So, stop stirring, rub my arm a bit, think to myself not to lean so heavily on the edge of the container and...




Now I just use a stir stick, no power head.


Oh, and I don't monkey around in the fish room barefoot anymore.


Meh, it's only 120 Volt. Try 480... lol

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I have a Jebao RW series and its amazing. So much flow. If i had two I would have a great ebb/flood capabilities.

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I have owned several MP10's and several Jebao powerheads.

Only thing I will say is that I am never paying MP10 money again.

Couple of the MP10's got noisey over time and I had to replace bearings where as the Jebao's are still as quiet as the day I purchased them!

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I was using and Jabeo RW-4 pump in a 6 gallon pump and it was too much of flow better than an mp-10.


It was an overkill even at the lowest setting. It is more silent than a mp-10. So yes Jabeo pump is a good investment

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