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Innovative Marine Aquariums

hybrid led


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If it's your only option, they will work. If you can go with something else, then please do. You will get much better results from using higher quality parts. The major issue with one you listed was the fact that it uses 10,000K white LEDs. The color rendering for these is terrible compared to a good LED setup that uses 4500K neutral whites. The tank will look pretty washed out as a result.

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  • 1 month later...

Wanting to make a combination of LEDs bianci and blue, what advice? that color of white and blue? and in what proportion?


I think the going ratio is 1 high CRI neutral white to 2 royal blue.


What size tank are you doing and how much you wanting to spend?

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Wanting to make a combination of LEDs bianci and blue, what advice? that color of white and blue? and in what proportion?

Really, you want more colors than just that to get good results. Neutral white and royal blue can work at a minimum, but if you want the best color, you need to be a little more flexible.


As HM3105 mentioned, a 2:1 royal blue (455nm) to neutral white (4000-4500K) ratio is a good starting point. Adding in one blue (470nm) for every 4 royal blues will help with fluorescing oranges and reds, and reduce some of the purple tint from the royal blue and neutral white combo. Violet LEDs (420-430nm) can help with growth, especially with SPS corals. More colors can help with certain other color related issues, but at the very least you should run neutral white, royal blue, and blue.

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AquaIlluminations SOL Fixture used only the Following 3:

  • White: Quantity: 8 Cree: XPGWHT-L1 Correlated Color Temperature (CCT): 6500K White LED Wavelength
  • Blue : Quantity: 8 Cree: XPEBLU-L1 Dominate Wavelength: 470nm Blue LED Wavelength
  • Royal Blue: Quantity: 8 Cree

Best part is, they did an awesome job at growing corals! I know hard to believe with so little colors right?





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Best part is, they did an awesome job at growing corals! I know hard to believe with so little colors right?

No, it's not hard to believe. It's also not hard to believe that a cool white CFL bulb in a cheap reflector will grow the hell out of corals just as good. Growth happens with the proper intensity of light (with all other parameters, such as flow, oxygen/CO2 levels, food, etc etc) and the spectrum doesn't really matter too much, corals aren't picky. Spectrum comes into play when you want these corals to look a certain way. The old AI Sol were not great in that regard, with reds, pinks, purples, and blues not looking so great (those colors need more green/amber/red light than the Sol could provide with its piss-poor cool white LEDs. ;)

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First consider what you intend to achieve in adding the light. Some utilize light for coral growth. Different light intensities give different rate of coral growth and probably may work only for specific coral type depending on the intensity. While others prefer different light hues to have dramatic color change.


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