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Nimble Test Drive Results!


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Pros - Smooth, sleek shape. Aerodynamic. Great traction. Really hugs the corners.


Cons - I can't find the radio knob. Just kidding. This thing is awesome. I love when I can send somebody some money and get back an honest to goodness winning product. I ordered one and was kind of skeptical, but this thing is truly great. I will order more. AND tell my friends about them too. Jerome, great job and it was a pleasure to do business with you. But pleeeeeeeeze, make a larger one for bigger tanks!



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I totally agree! I love my nimble. It goes over the corners sooo nicely, doesn't slosh the water around like the magfloat, and it fits in all the little spaces between the glass and rocks, that was too small for the magfloat. Great product!


I'd also like to see a bigger one in the future, for bigger tanks! And on the outside part, it'd be cool if there was a glass polisher :) Also, an acryllic-safe version would be great too!

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I to also have a nimble and a super nimble. I use the nimble on my acryllic 5 gal tank. wiht alittle care and skill I feel the nimble is already acryllic safe. I have had no problems wiht mine. And Jerome yes a larger one would be very nice of those 30 gal tanks and the like.

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Try flipping it over for harder to scrape algae spots. I found this out by luck and it works amazingly well. I pmed jerome to make a new version with a scraper. Should be well worth it.

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I am happy to hear you all are happy with the Nimble and NimbleSuper's performance, and my customer service.

irishbing, not to worry there was a small supply chain delay, and then I was away for the weekend, I am on it now and will be done very soon. Thank you for your patience.


C. Jerome

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