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Will montipora polyps grow back?


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Hey guys


About a month and a half ago I caught one rogue sexy shrimp eating the polyps off of my rainbow encrusting montipora. By the time I noticed what he was doing it was too late. The underlying tissue is still a dark purple about a month and a half later now but still no polyps. Wondering if they will ever come back? There are a few still left on the sides.

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Hey guys

About a month and a half ago I caught one rogue sexy shrimp eating the polyps off of my rainbow encrusting montipora. By the time I noticed what he was doing it was too late. The underlying tissue is still a dark purple about a month and a half later now but still no polyps. Wondering if they will ever come back? There are a few still left on the sides.

Assuming the little bugger dont eat any more then yes it should do..

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If it's not bleached, I don't see why they wouldn't grow back!


Don't quote me though- I only have a few caps' and have never had your circumstances

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My cap was devastated by nudi's and it's now fully recovered and has grown quite rapidly.

The center turned completely white with barely any tissue left after this pic was taken. (March 6th)


Here's a pic 7 weeks later (April 20th)


It will recover, given stable conditions.

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I just took this pic, (image quality sucks). I didn't do anything special to help it, other than keeping water parameters stable and my usual weekly water changes.


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