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help identify this eel


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Unfortunately, I don't have a photo. The LFS got a gorgeous eel in and I want to research it. I would like an eel tank around 40 to 60 gallons, so this dude may fit the bill and kick out the idea of a snowflake. If i can research it. I am fairly certain its a pebble tooth moray.


The body is a purple/blue with light mottling similar to a snowflake. The head is a solid purple/blue and the top fin is a neon green/yellow color. The LFS said it was sold to them as a white finned eel, but I can't find anything about them. Help? He is a gorgeous dude and I would love to find out more about him and if I can one day have awesomeness like him.

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Mr. Microscope

Colors sound like a ribbon eel, but those do not look like morays. Can you sneak a pic at the LFS?

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I didn't think the species would be so hard to identify with a name until I got home. I'll have to go back and get a picture. It looks similar to a whte eyed moray. But no white eyes and the purple/blue is very bright. Definitely not a ribbon eel. I am 100% sure it is a moray of some kind.

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Colors sound like a ribbon eel, but those do not look like morays. Can you sneak a pic at the LFS?

I assume the same judging by description, the other common name is a ghost eel which sounds about as close to the LFS name as I can get

I didn't think the species would be so hard to identify with a name until I got home. I'll have to go back and get a picture. It looks similar to a whte eyed moray. But no white eyes and the purple/blue is very bright. Definitely not a ribbon eel. I am 100% sure it is a moray of some kind.

Interesting! Lol pics asap I gotta see

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It might be a juvenile Gymnothorax flavimarginatus. I am going to see if my husband will watch the baby while I go back to the lfs and get a pic. I have seen so many photos now that I am having trouble picturing the little guy in my head.

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Unfortunately, I was right. I talked to the LFS owner and he confirmed my suspicions, a juvenile Yellow Margin eel. Gorgeous fish. Just will probably never have because I doubt my husband will let me have 150 gallon reef tank and 180 gallon eel tank, even I try to sell him on the whole "we can keep large aggressive fish with it.". Poop. He'll get to be like 4 ft one day and about 6 inches in girth.


But here are some photos. He had such an awesome personality! He'd watch you and come up to check you out. Ugh! I'm so heartbroken I can't have him! The camera really doesn't do him justice fyi.


17434154702_3bf0056365_c.jpg20150508_160427 by lkoechle, on Flickr


17434157772_88ae683591_c.jpg20150508_160759 by lkoechle, on Flickr

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Aquamart. They also have a skeletor eel and a snowflake in. The owner says he is trying to change up the stock a bit and see how the eels will sell. About a month or so ago they had an awesome ribbon eel in. I prefer morays over ribbons, but they're still pretty to watch. He is going to get me a list of the eels they can get so I can have an idea of what to research tor when husband lets me build an eel tank.

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