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Radion XR15W Pro and Clams


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Hello all


This is my first venture into the world of LED lighting. I have always used Halides and T5's. I was wondering if the XR15W Pro, being full spectrum, will really provide everything to sustain a reef IM 40, with Clams. Not sure what Clams yet, but I wanted to get some feedback. Most of the research I have done shows that it will support the Reef with Clams, but I wanted to double check.



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"Most of the research I have done shows that it will support the Reef with Clams" <-- This will basically be the main response you will get from people that it will, I personally tried it out and didn't have luck unfortunately you won't have any Idea if it is or not for 6-7 months. I learned the hard way why all my LFS's still have halides over their clams and LED's on everything else.

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"Most of the research I have done shows that it will support the Reef with Clams" <-- This will basically be the main response you will get from people that it will, I personally tried it out and didn't have luck unfortunately you won't have any Idea if it is or not for 6-7 months. I learned the hard way why all my LFS's still have halides over their clams and LED's on everything else.


OR because the investment to light all those tanks is massive.


I had a clam under a Kessil A150W and a Radion and it looked great. Couldn't notice a difference in the 2. I had it for almost 2 years. You do have to be careful with the radion though as they have CRAZY high PAR.

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There are many, many people that keep clams under LEDs for years now. Locally I have seen clams that have been under just blue/white DIY setup for 7 years now. Crocea, Maxima and Derasa. He didn't have and Squamosa when it switched to LEDs, but those other 3 species have been going strong and are 7 years old (plus whatever age they were before the switch). No new clams added during that time. FWIW.

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I appreciate everyone taking the time to help me out with this. I've always had clams in my bigger tanks, but I want to make sure I am being responsible and that what I do will not harm the clam.


How much higher is the PAR on the Radion as compared to the Kessil?

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My maxima has been in LEDs for over a year and no issues. Also my new Derasa is not having a problem either. They don't even get insane par at the sand bed (~150-160).

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With the LED, how are you determining your PAR at the sand bed. Since I have not really messed around with the Radions interface, is this something ill be able to determine with the software, or do I need to measure this myself?

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With the LED, how are you determining your PAR at the sand bed. Since I have not really messed around with the Radions interface, is this something ill be able to determine with the software, or do I need to measure this myself?

Measure yourself with a PAR meter.

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OR because the investment to light all those tanks is massive.


I had a clam under a Kessil A150W and a Radion and it looked great. Couldn't notice a difference in the 2. I had it for almost 2 years. You do have to be careful with the radion though as they have CRAZY high PAR.

What size was the tank that you were using the Kessil A150W to keep clams? And was that the only light that you had? Thanks.

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What size was the tank that you were using the Kessil A150W to keep clams? And was that the only light that you had? Thanks.


20 gallon. Yes that was the only light.

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20 gallon. Yes that was the only light.

Well, some people here continue to consider Kessil "just a spot light" that should be used for like 1 coral. :rolleyes:

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Well, some people here continue to consider Kessil "just a spot light" that should be used for like 1 coral. :rolleyes:

it's all about the aquascape really
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Could you elaborate please?



Complex scapes like tall spires of live rock, widely dispersed islands, or several overhangs and cave networks in a rock scape make for hard shadows when light is too tightly concentrated much as the kessil do.


When the aquascape is short and simple or even a nearly barren lagoon biotope tightly concentrated light will get excellent coverage regardless.


But I'm sure you knew that already. I just didn't give enough elaboration

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