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CAD Lights 15G Mixed Reef Build


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FTS 12-31-15







- AC 70 with Chemipure-Blue, filter floss, macroalgae,

- Aquaeuro Nano Protein Skimmer (running in AC 70)

- Caribesea Arg-Alive Bimini Pink

- 10 pounds of cured rock

- 3 pounds of dry rock

- Jebao RW-4

- 100w ViaAqua Titanium Heater

- Current Satellite Orbit (borrowing from a friend for the time being)

- APC battery backup ES 650

- Battery backup air pump


To be added


- Nano Box Duo






- x4 Nassarius Snails

- x2 Florida Cerith Snails

- x4 Nerite Snails

- x5 Margirita Snails

- x2 Astraea Snails

- x2 Scarlet Reef Hermits

- x1 Blue Legged Hermit




- Cleaner Shrimp (Deceased 7/26/15)

- Porcelain crab (Deceased, unkown)

- Pistol Shrimp (paired with goby)




- Ocellaris Clown Pair (male jumped.

Replaced with B&W Ocellaris 11-20-15)

- Tailspot Blenny

- Orange Spot Shrimp Goby (paired with

pistol shrimp)




- Dragon's Breath

- Caulerpa




- x4 Acan Lords

- Acropora (unknown)

- Green Montipora Digitata

- Green Pocillopora

- Green Moonstone Favia

- Green Hammer

- Golden Torch

- Green Duncan


- Green Ricordea

- x2 Orange Ricordea

- Lobophyllia

- Pink Gonipora

- Purple Gorgonia (unknown)

- Blastomussa

- Favia (unknown)

- x4 Zoanthids

- x2 Palythoa

- Maxima Clam

- Green Plate (small)





Original post



For the past 2 months I have had a 3.7 Gallon Pico reef running and have enjoyed every day of it. With a little persuading from a friend and myself I decided to break down my CAD Lights 15g aquascape to setup a nano reef. Lastnight I moved all the shrimp to a 10 gallon for the time being (will move them into my 40B at some point) and got rid of all the dirt. Tonight I will spend some time cleaning the glass to get it ready for Sand,Rock, and water this weekend.


When it was set up



Broken down and cleaned up, ready for water





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Haha yeah this tv stand found a new purpose rather than being thrown out.



My AC70 came in today and the sand and rock will go in tomorrow.



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Added 20 pounds of Caribesea Bimini Pink and 11 pounds of cured LR for now. I would like to get some more and build up the rigght side so it occupies more of the open space above.









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I kind of like the rocks as is.

i may leave it for now and add some corals and see how they fill the space.

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Hey guys, what's up. New to the forum long time reefer. Nice tank and aquascape. I got the same tank just wondering if these zen tanks can be drilled?

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Hey guys, what's up. New to the forum long time reefer. Nice tank and aquascape. I got the same tank just wondering if these zen tanks can be drilled?

They sure can. Check out my thread

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changes the scape around a bit more. I think I'm satisfied with it now. Also started to add some life to it. I have 4 nassarius, 2 scarlet reef hermits, and a lonely Duncan frag.











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lookin goood! and so does that duncan ! makes me want to get one now. lol

Thanks, I wasn't going to add any corals yet and then I saw this Duncan at one of my LFS for 15 buckS I figured why not.

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  • 1 month later...

It's been a while so I figured it was time for an update. The tank is doing very well. Over the past month I moved my ocellaris clown over from my 3.7 gallon where he was being held until the cycle compelted on this tank. I also added a cleaner shrimp, tailspot blenny, and a second ocellaris. I also moved a few frags from my 3.7 gallon and mounted them to the rock. Here are a few cell phone pics for now


FTS 6/21



Tailspot blenny











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Went fish store hopping on Saturday and picked up a few things for the tank. Got torch, ricordea, some zoanthids, and a porcelain crab (hoping it will host my maxi mini)











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  • 2 months later...

It's been a couple of months now. Here's an update.


Everything is doing great, I unfortunately lost my cleaner shrimp. I am not sure what the cause was bit the cuc or anemone made quick work of the remains.


I had a GHA bloom that seems to be under control now. I am pretty sure the main cause was bad water from a LFS. I believe they aren't keeping up with the filter changes on their RO unit, this would explain why they sell it for .50 a gallon when every other fish store around is at 1.00 per gallon. Once I switched water sources the GHA started clearing up.


I also recently add a Orange spot shrimp goby and pistol shrimp pair. They moved a decent amount of sand around bit seems they have established their home. My sand bed was quite a mess but totally worth it to have this great pair they are so neat to watch.


FTS: 4 months old




Goby / pistol pair



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  • 1 month later...

Just shy of 6 months old !!


I added a few more corals and a second Current Satellite Freshwater Plus set on high to give a little extra light to the sps until Christmas when I'll be order in my nanobox duo. So far the light has been a great addition. The green slimer has darkened up and encrusted sense the following picture was taken.


FTS 10-18-15




Recently added Green slimer frag





And unknown acro




Any ideas on this acro ?


Also added a gorgonian, lobo, gonipora, yuma ricordea to go with my ric garden, and some fire and ice zoas.

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Just shy of 6 months old !!


I added a few more corals and a second Current Satellite Freshwater Plus set on high to give a little extra light to the sps until Christmas when I'll be order in my nanobox duo. So far the light has been a great addition. The green slimer has darkened up and encrusted sense the following picture was taken.


FTS 10-18-15




Recently added Green slimer frag





And unknown acro




Any ideas on this acro ?


Also added a gorgonian, lobo, gonipora, yuma ricordea to go with my ric garden, and some fire and ice zoas.

Nice tank and progress.

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  • 1 month later...

Just an update. My male Ocellaris clown jumped last week while I had the top off. I stepped away for a minute and came back to finish what a was doing, put the lid on and that was that. A few days later I noticed he was missing. I looked around and sure enough he was behind the tank on the stand.


This weekend my girlfriend and I went to find a new male clown. I was interested in getting a snowflake but all they had were paired snowflakes so after looking a bit more we found a tank with 5 or 6 black and white Ocellaris. We picked one out when I noticed a little guy hiding in a rock that was full black (the others had a tiny bit of orange) he was being bullied and had a few marks on him as a result. Almost instantly after adding him the female in the tank started to show her dominance and shake at him. It has now been 3 days and they are getting along week and his marks on his side are pretty much gone.




I Will be ordering a Nano Box Duo within the next month which I'm pretty excited for. Besides the clown fish mishap the tank has been doing great. Here are a few current shots.



FTS 11-20-15















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  • 1 month later...

On Black Friday I stopped by my LFS and came across a few maximas in one of their larger tanks. Typically they do not have clams (the nearest store that gets clams in is over an hour away and haven had any for months) this was a sign that I had to get one of them. Being Black Friday it was also 15% off, my only hesitation was my current lighting situation. After some thought I went for it as I new I would be placing my order for a Duo soon. I have it placed near the top of my rock work so it is getting as much light as possible.


A couple of weeks ago I was back at my LFS getting water and looking at what they had the owner was telling my friend and I how he got frags in and attached to one was a small plate frag. I have always wanted a plate coral and was only ever able to find larger plates for $100+ local. I took home the small plate for $15.


I have placed my order for the Duo and will hopefully be reciving it in the next couple of weeks.






Close up



Cell phone pic of the plate



Sexy Shrimp and Maxi Mini


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