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what am I hearing about carbon?

Odobenus rosmarus

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Odobenus rosmarus

I've been reading around about why a hammer coral would be dying and there seems to be a trend in people saying that carbon has negative effects on LPS? Why might this be? I've been using WAY more carbon than I should be using. Along with it I'm using CPE, could this be the reason that all my hammer corals are dying? I should add my tank specs just in case the carbon isn't my issue to the unhealthy corals:
-10 gallon display
-15 gallon sump
-120 watt Marsaqua Chinese LED
- 2mL Red Sea NO3:PO4-X daily
- 2g Red Sea ABC+ twice a week
Water changes aren't on a schedule because I don't always have access to RO water all the time. I unfortunately have to go weeks at a time before I can do a water change but I keep all my parameters in check with the dosing and algae is pretty much non existent in my tank. Water changes could be the problem although because I'm not seeing a change in my parameters or water quality I'm more concerned about the carbon and what its doing.

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You are probably pulling out too much nutrients from the water. I always found that running too much carbon did more harm than good. I use it maybe once or twice a month now for 48 hours when I do use it (I use it to adsorb any toxins that may be building up that we don't test for). You want to make sure there is some food in the water for your corals to eat, they are not 100% reliant on photosynthesis. I feed my hammer and frogspawn some Reef Frenzy about once a week as well and they've been growing quite well so far.

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Water changes aren't on a schedule because I don't always have access to RO water all the time. I unfortunately have to go weeks at a time before I can do a water change but I keep all my parameters in check with the dosing and algae is pretty much non existent in my tank. I'm stumped as to why my corals aren't doing well.


Stumped? Water changes are essential in such a small system. Dosing is difficult and there are many trace elements you don't dose. Be the master of your water, it is the most important factor in reefkeeping.

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Do you have a heavy bioload or alot of corals? If not then the dosing might be less critical, and WCs are not a do or die scenario. I agree that they need to be done, but doing X amount every X days isnt the only way to a thriving tank.


How high are you running your lights, thats always my first question with LPS problems and a LED tank.

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Feed your lps some liquid food about 3 times a week. They will grow fast and thick! I dont think it a carbon thing cause i use it heavy too.

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Odobenus rosmarus

All of this makes sense; I'm not feeding my corals and my water is absolutely clean, last time i checked phosphate it was undetectable (I did the test 3 times because I didn't believe it). I'm using a protein skimmer, carbon and CPE so I think my corals are starving to death. I've also never had algae in this tank, other than a little bit of glass algae, this tank hasn't had a spec of nuisance algae which means there are probably barely any nutrients.


I don't think the water changes are an issue though, every tank is different and it doesn't seem like less water changes is having an effect on the well being of this tank. It could be having an effect on things I don't test for and maybe thats the issue, I will do a bit more research to see if WC's are the culprit here.



Do you have a heavy bioload or alot of corals?


I have 2 ocellaris clowns, 3 hammers (1 large, 2 small), 3 candy canes (1 large, 2 small), flowerpot, galaxy, torch, GSP, BSP, kenya tree, 2 chalices, toadstool leather, large unidentified leather and a red digitata.

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Odobenus rosmarus

Even though my hammers aren't doing well, I'm pretty proud of this tank otherwise and thought i'd post a picture :)post-86970-0-01309200-1430024064_thumb.jpg

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Well, with those two clowns I don't see how you are running such a clean tank! You might want to feed them more. With the coral choices you have in there I would certainly keep running carbon. There might be some chemical warfare going on. I would not be dosing anything unless I was testing for it and found deficiencies. I would be doing regular water changes though.


What are your test numbers--actual numbers and when you tested. What do you use for top off water since RODI is so hard to obtain? How long has this tank been running? What does your skimmate look like?


I usually do a water change at the first sign I notice anything amiss, and I think you should too. I don't know why you are resistant to do a some simple water changes. Sounds like you may be trying to convince yourself they are not needed due to the fact you have difficulty obtaining replacement water. That is why it is always a good idea to be able to control your own water.

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Even though my hammers aren't doing well, I'm pretty proud of this tank otherwise and thought i'd post a picture :)resized tank pic.jpg

I agree that it is very unlikely it's to do with your WC's. You've got atleast 15 or 20 gallons of actual water with two fish. I think we can put the WC theory to rest.


How bright are you running those lights?

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Run CPE or carbon, not both. If LPS isn't doing well, nitrates may be to blame. Usually you see signs such as not inflating as much and the tissue on the outer skeleton receding right up to the polyp. Large water changes are the fix.. 50% or more.

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Odobenus rosmarus

For my top off I use RO, my skimate looks very watery in colour it's never very dirty skimate, my tank has been running for 5 months so it's still young and my lights are running at 60% blue and 40% white. I'm Going to test my water later today and I'll post the numbers.

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Mr. Microscope

How big is your bioload? CPE + NOPOx seems a bit extreme to me. You're probably stripping your system too fast.

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Odobenus rosmarus

How big is your bioload? CPE + NOPOx seems a bit extreme to me. You're probably stripping your system too fast.

I think that, along with not feeding might be the problem. I do feed my torch coral some frozen food once a week and it's doing great, 2 weeks ago I tried feeding the same frozen food to my hammers but they wouldn't take it, it's too big for them. My galaxy coral will eat it occasionally as well. What would you guys recommend I feed my corals? I remember someone mentioning phytoplankton.


To solve the WC problem I got a used RO/DI filter off kijiji. I need to buy a few parts before I can actually use it so hopefully by this weekend I will be able to do consistent water changes.


I also asked people about this problem on a Facebook group I'm a part of and they all said remove either the carbon or CPE, reduce the dosing and start feeding. I'm really hoping my hammers will bounce back once I start doing all of this.

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  • 2 months later...

If it was me, I'd stop the dosing. I believe the Red Sea NO3:PO4-X depletes oxygen and 2ml/day seems like allot.


Those two clowns I bet are pooping up a storm, I can't tell from picture but it looks like you have have crushed coral, which accumulates detritus. Without water changes you may have a tough time exporting it. Hows the gunk in the cup of the skimmer?

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The idea of having a tank too clean was hard to get used to. i used to do water changes religiously on my mini 38 everyother week, i was also running fuge with macroalgae, reactor with high capacity gfo and carbon, and skimmer, while nuisance algae was nonexistent my corals struggled. Ive since learned that monthly water changes are more than enough, and because i still run all those redundant methods i can feed a little more and have noticed my corals improve tremendously. So my point is, a little "dirty" water is ok.

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