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Neon Dottyback Redux


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Last week I posted that my neon dotty managed to swim thru the output tube of my refugium and into the tiny little chamber that the water flows from. My brine net (the smallest net I have) barely fits in this chamber and catching the dotty would be impossible. As I said last time this happened, the fish practically jumped into my hand as I lowered my fingers into the water.


Well, I haven't been home much during tank lights hours so I didn't catch on sooner but the little bugger did it again. My guess is it was in the chamber for anywhere from 2 to 4 days. Clearly the goodies flowing out of the refugium are attracting the dottyback. This time the little bastard (sorry Chris but it is the most descriptive and fitting word I could conjure) refused to assist me in moving it back to the main tank. I finally managed to get it out using the brine net and a long, thin tube. My new project (after I clean the tank and set up my top off system to cover evaporation over the next 5 days that I will be away) is to find a cover of some sort to keep the dotty from scooting back upstream into the fuge.


I will be returning either Sunday night or early Monday morning (weather and wife factors) and I swear to the gods of the waters that if I find the dotty back in the fuge I will not take it out. I did that to a disruptive clown once (dark sump under the main tank for months) and I have no problem doing it again!



Had to vent. Feel much better now.

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