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Petco won't sell me starfish


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Oh now you're asking questions. Your OP is nothing but a whinny communist rant. You tried to cry here and didn't get 100% support then cried more which was pretty funny.


Are you looking for advice or just crying about a little girl taking you to school?

What the #### is your problem? Quit mouth breathing over your keyboard and get back to Algebra class, child.

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wow why bring politics into this, thats just childish, and that is the OP. im not sure if you paid attenion or if your just suffering from denial, which is also a river in Egypt. you got taken school, taught a lesson, then dismissed.

Not to be a grammar nazi



Unfortunately I think you are confused. The Modern Colloquialism of "grammar nazi" is widely accepted - and while it does include the word "Nazi", it doesn't actually imply anything aside from being overly strict. When you tell someone they are engaging in a "whinny communist rant", I can't help but think of an angry communist horse, as I am pretty sure "whinny" is a gentle high pitched neigh - the sound a horse makes. However, all joking aside, when you say someone was making a communist rant, it is a politically charged insult.


Which leads me to this:


Are you looking for advice or just crying about a little girl taking you to school?


I am pretty sure it's inappropriate at this juncture to tell anyone that you are taking them to "school", when it seems you aren't burdened with an over-abundance of schooling yourself.


Remember, Like a sir.. or Madam in your case I suppose..

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Oh now you're asking questions. Your OP is nothing but a whinny communist rant. You tried to cry here and didn't get 100% support then cried more which was pretty funny.


Are you looking for advice or just crying about a little girl taking you to school?


Nutso! omgomgomg

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I have this image in my head of OP standing outside Petco, trying to get someone to go buy a starfish. Like a teenager at the liquor store trying to get beer.

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What the #### is your problem? Quit mouth breathing over your keyboard and get back to Algebra class, child.

now I am in agreement with Oyo not trolling here but the insult of calling him a child is insulting to children.

Dear all,


I think this thread has run it's useful life and we should let it die. It was fun poking at the Troll though, but it does tend to get uncomfortable. It gets to the point where it really isn't fair intellectually. Especially when you realize the Troll has mental health issues.


are you using the costume idea?
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So they didn't sell you a fish and you get all butt hurt. Either not open your mouth next time or learn to fish shop.


Seems as you are such a responsible habitat keeper you would have secured a long term food source first.


But you didn't. And now you're mad at yourself while passing blame on a private business's employee for being responsible.

Who the #### said your idiotic ass could speak? Shut the #### up already, you obviously can't read a small post, why should anybody trust you in the field of ####ing marine biology?

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if you could care less leave, just my opinion. Also way to go being mean, trolling is mean, if you want to troll give the makeshift lounge a shot, that's the mostly self contained cesspool of this website.

Why you crying? They hurt your butt in there, didn't they?

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Rofl... loving the mob mentality! :wub:


Sucks you can't get food for some cool shrimp. I like the idea of breeding asterina's... I have TONS of them. Wonder how many they would need in a week?


Also, here is a cat:



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Rofl... loving the mob mentality! :wub:


Sucks you can't get food for some cool shrimp. I like the idea of breeding asterina's... I have TONS of them. Wonder how many they would need in a week?


Also, here is a cat:



I want a pair something fierce, and considered a small tank to breed asterinas, not sure how well you could make it work though... Wasn't able to find much on someone doing it. My LFS threw 2 Harli into a tank absolutely chock full of the little white stars. They decimated the population to literally zero in a week or two. We couldn't believe it. They never stopped eating!
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I want a pair something fierce, and considered a small tank to breed asterinas, not sure how well you could make it work though... Wasn't able to find much on someone doing it. My LFS threw 2 Harli into a tank absolutely chock full of the little white stars. They decimated the population to literally zero in a week or two. We couldn't believe it. They never stopped eating!


Like everything else wild, they will over eat if given the chance. As opportunistic scavengers with a very specialized diet they'll eat everything they see as quickly as possible. Probably a good way to get them to spawn though. The trick is to find out how many they need a day to be healthy.

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It's sort of a moot point now, right?


Petco will not sell you a creature labeled as "non-feeder" as the chocolate chip starfish are in their books. You told them you were going to use them as feeders, so they said they wouldn't sell them - regardless of the intelligence of the young lady who helped you, that's store policy and they're going to stick to it. Stupid policy or not, a local manager probably isn't going to risk their job for you.


Either lie to them and just say you aren't going to use the starfish as feeders, or go elsewhere (online, etc) to buy your feed. At this point it's kind of your only option. Cut the shit and move on.

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Wanna bet it isn't her in that picture? Lol

Shoot, I'd be surprised if it was a "her" at all.


Source: Long experience on intarweb forums

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I don't tell petco when I buy chocolate chip starfish that I'm using them as feeders. I just buy them, take them home, slap them in the frying pan, sear those suckers, and eat them. Petco doesn't need to know.

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Weasel Baron

I don't tell petco when I buy chocolate chip starfish that I'm using them as feeders. I just buy them, take them home, slap them in the frying pan, sear those suckers, and eat them. Petco doesn't need to know.



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