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Red slime algae (Cyanobacteria)?


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I'm a bit of a newbie but have had my tank for a little over a year with reasonably good success.


I'm trying to determine the best way to deal with this stuff and what it is for certain.


Tank 25g cube

Filteration is a Fluval 205 canister - no carbon

2-3wk water and filter changes



2- clowns

1-firefish goby

1-cleaner shrimp

2-hermits; 1-large green, 1-small

1-banggai cardinal


pulsing xenia

mixed zoas


green star polyps

feather duster worm



Please see attached video - is this stuff cyano?




Should I increase my water changes, reduce feeding and wipe the stuff out with a paper towel? Other?


I really don't like the idea of chemical treatments as it seems extreme. Other ideas?


Thanks in adv!



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The red stuff on the glass? Looks like some kind of red dust algae. I've had cyano and it coats the tank in red slime and bubbles when the light is on.


Clean it off with something other than a mag float to remove it from the tank. I'll dip a paper towel in rodi (to hopefully remove any chemicals) then wipe off dust algae. Some algaes will reattach if they are only scraped off.

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Thanks yomon347! Yes, the red stuff on the glass has been my concern. Even with a paper towel wipe off, it seems to come back. I'm admittedly not on an exactly water change schedule but generally pretty close to 2-3wks. I think I need to up the frequencies of my water changes.


Any other comments would be appreciated!


From what you are suggesting, this is *not* cyano, correct?

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It looks like you have some kind of diatom bloom going on in there. What are your parameters for Nitrates, Nitrites, Phosphates?

Your water changes, are you using RO water for salt mix and Freshwater top off?


Fist thing i would do is to just run the canister filter with no media in it. Canister filters can be the issue as it can contribute to high Nitrates, Nitrites. Second, increase frequency of water changes and feed the inhabitants less. I only feed my nanos every other day.

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I wouldn't worry about it too much..Yes its not pleasant to look at but Id say if your params are all in check and nothing looks unhealthy just leave it be. You can wipe down your glass in the meantime. Algae is part of every single one of our tanks for a reason...It comes and goes and does its thing.

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I wouldn't worry about it too much..Yes its not pleasant to look at but Id say if your params are all in check and nothing looks unhealthy just leave it be. You can wipe down your glass in the meantime. Algae is part of every single one of our tanks for a reason...It comes and goes and does its thing.

Yep.. if your parameters are all good, then it could be just part of the tank maturing...

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