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Cultivated Reef

Mantis shrimp larvae?


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I noticed this little guy a few weeks back after lights out.




Last night, I waited till the lights were out and saw about 10 of these flitting around around the sand bed. Some were a very pale yellow, some like the one above with a more reddish orange tone. They were smaller last night, and several actively flitted around the water but mostly hung on the sand sifting through or crawling on the chaeto. Since they were smaller they didn't have as distinguished of front claws but definitely have them.

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How big? Cuz my mantis shrimp when I found her was .5" and she could clearly make the pop sound already and hit things.


And she closes up shop for night, usually plugs up her home's door w/ debris then reopens in the morning so they don't wonder at night.


If it was mantis, they wouldn't be hanging out w/ each other either, doesn't matter how small they are they'd try to kill each other off.


By Google pic it doesn't look like mysis or brine, so it's something else for sure. What about any of the other caribbean shrimp- pistol or red snapping? Unfortunately, I don't know what babies of any of these are.

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There are 2 main types of the mantis shrimp, spearers and clubbers who make the sound. You have a spearer so there is no sound. They are probably eating amphipods and scraps, they should be safe to corals and sessile animals in general. I'd say keep it, if they grow too big you can isolate them or give them away, they are much fun to keep I hear.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, strangely I keep seeing this after lights out. I saw 3 in my smaller tank (so that means they are in both) and I was able to suck one up and get it under a microscope for a few minutes before putting it back in the tank. Would love any potential ID.





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Its my daring guess that it may be a sort of amphipod, notice the claw shape and orientation, also the tail, and the legs, also the eyes. If it is an amphipod it sure ain't no super common one.

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Interesting! It stays flat like an isopod but those claws! Glad they are staying little!

Hmm I can see the difference in the legs, antennae, and tail end protrusions. Definitely not a mantis shrimp!

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Interesting! It stays flat like an isopod but those claws! Glad they are staying little!Hmm I can see the difference in the legs, antennae, and tail end protrusions. Definitely not a mantis shrimp!

you got a pretty cool amphipod in your tank, you might want to try and get a good population going.

Those antennae are quite beefy also

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And if they start growing... Sleep with the light on and door locked!!! :) Those are some awesome shots under the scope.

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Weasel Baron

#of appendages and orientation of the raptorial appendage is wrong for a mantis; the mantis looks almost like a Z when its folded up. Yours looks like two large pinchers folded under themselves.


also mantis shrimp dont have really pronounced caudal seta, and even at the youngest stage the caudal telson is apparent





some other life form, not sure what... I would start my looking for things that lack a telson and have seta though, thats pretty rare for aquarium shrimp

could be something in the caprellidae family; fairly common amphipod that has a similar body plan

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Ok so definitely amphipod. I also posted over on RC and one response says the viewer had them in their tank once but they were overrun with Gammarus sp. I imagine that will ultimately happen as I have some of those larger, more commonly seen curved ones too.


It looks similar to this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crustacean#/media/File:Abludomelita_obtusata.jpg


Thanks everyone. I am somewhat happy I don't have several small mantis shrimp in both of my tanks - a couple and I'd be alright!

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