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How fast will a BTA kill a.........


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If a BTA decides to migrate and come in contact with another species, how long does one have to take action?


My primary concern is for my RFA's after some of our lovely ladies brought up the issue but I'm interested in hearing any experience.



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My 1.5 year old RBTA has yet to kill anything. It almost killed a Yuma but I was able to rescue it, and in one of my older tanks it rubbed against a Montipora digitata until ti was showing some dead spots so I simply moved the digitata. I think it really depends on the coral.


What is an RFA? Oh, Rock Flower. I would be concerned, they might have a pretty good punch when it comes to a similar species.

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If a BTA decides to migrate and come in contact with another species, how long does one have to take action?

My primary concern is for my RFA's after some of our lovely ladies brought up the issue but I'm interested in hearing any experience.


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Thanks for sharing your experience Markalot! Yea it worries me that it might be more aggressive towards its cousin.

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My GBTA has never killed anything, but it is very well behaved, since it never moved from where I placed it. There are some zoas that it rubs against, and the zoas stay closed all the time (they are wild zoas, so I'm not concerned).

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I would be concerned when placing two different species of anemone together where they may come in close enough contact to harm each other. Corals not so much other than Euphyllia.

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I would be concerned when placing two different species of anemone together where they may come in close enough contact to harm each other. Corals not so much other than Euphyllia.


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