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PicO Deep Blue 18 Barebottom SPS


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Starting this as a new thread since the old one languished when this tank went in to storage.


So I did a quick evaluation of the gear I already had set aside for this tank.
I still have:
  • PicO DB18 - All Starphire w/ Starphire cover, black Silicone
  • PicO Skim (OG v1.0)
  • Apex Controller w/ Temp Probe, pH Probe, EB8, Display Module
  • Apex Lunar Simulator Module
  • EcoTech MP10wES (old white case version)
  • Eheim 100w Heater
  • DIY LED fixture - mid construction and I have no idea what the hell I am doing with it
  • Tunze Osmolator (w/ big tub o' Kalk)
  • BRS 5-Stage RO/DI unit w/ 2 x 20g Brute Tubs
  • ~25lbs of Marco Rock
  • Big 'ol tub of Seachem Reefsalt (checked, still nice and granular and using it in my 3g)
  • 1/2" Black HDPE for the bottom
  • Stand is already built
I've ordered the following:
  • AI Prime - Black
  • AI Prime Tank Mount
  • Tunze 9001 Skimmer
  • QuietOne 1200 <- Salt water mixing pump

I need to leak test the PicO since it's been dry for 2 1/2 years but that will officially kick off this build. The DIY LED stuff will get put away for another project. It's half built and I don't remember any of the wiring plans or anything and I am a lazy bastard so the Prime is on it's way.

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Going to relocate my stand, when I had the basement finished I had GFCIs installed on a wall that is not where the stand is.


Time to clean the basement :D

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Looking forward to seeing this tank, haven't seen a whole lot of the older PicO's, what are the dimensions?

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18" x 18" and 16" tall. You lose about 4" at the back to the integrated sump, so display is a little bigger than 17.5" x 13".


I have the sump cover as well and I'll need to modify that to fit the skimmer, light mount and anything else that might jut over the top. Mounting the Osmolator and Skimmer will be interesting as well since the walls are 1/4" glass as well as the thickness of the plastic that the sump is made of. I might have to jury rig a mount if the magnets won't hold but I think they should be okay.

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Ok nice, I have the PicO III and those are the same dimensions. Have a tunze nano ATO and it works fine with the glass thickness. I don't have the cover for the rear chamber though

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Thanks for the info. I tested the ATO magnet and it looked okay, I'm more concerned about the Skimmer since it will have more weight to hold and vibration from the pump.

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If it's warm enough this week I'll leak test.


Cold snap! No leak test today. Brr....


Will take gear pictures tonight though, and make sure everything is complete.

Ok nice, I have the PicO III and those are the same dimensions. Have a tunze nano ATO and it works fine with the glass thickness. I don't have the cover for the rear chamber though


I meant to ask, does the PicO 3 have a full sump box inside the tank as well? What I mean is, does the magnet work through both the glass and a layer of the sump plastic?

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You can check out the design on the website or on the sponsor page here. I have a sump/refugium area built in but it's just the glass on the outside and then the plastic about 4" in to seperate it from the display, that's the only plastic though.

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Yeah mine has glass plus plastic all the way around the back, thus my concern. I'll take a picture tonight maybe.

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Ahhhhh ok, i mean the tunze ATO I have comes with a pretty strong magnet so it might be able to work but it is hard to say unfortunately.

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Build soulds like a good one! I'm in the beginning of a sps nano build also. I have a pico 3 also. Looking into a tune 9001 skimmer as well. Keep us posted on any updates

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The 9001 looks like a little beast, and I need to overskim with the BB so it's a nice combo.


Busy as hell right now, but I'll get some gear pics up soon.

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Waiting on the Prime to arrive and then I need to move the cabinet.


My goal is to have the tank up and running, and the rock having a chance to cure before I leave for vacation in August. It's not going to be a crazy fast build :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Prime arrived at my mail order LFS and... It's white.


I'll be waiting another two weeks or seems...

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  • 3 weeks later...

My Prime has finally shipped!


Reorganizing to move the stand over where my GFCIs are this weekend I hope, and it's finally warming up enough outside to do an overnight leak test in the garage. I have to cut the HDPE as well and get it fitted for the barebottom.

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So the Skimmer and Prime showed up. They are both so tiny.


Need to get the HDPE board cut, and get my SW mixing station setup. Still not going to rush this build but I want the rock curing by August.

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So the Skimmer and Prime showed up. They are both so tiny.


Need to get the HDPE board cut, and get my SW mixing station setup. Still not going to rush this build but I want the rock curing by August.

What mount are you using for the Prime?

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I have the tank-arm mount but hearing all the complaints I might alter it somewhat. I could hang it as well, but I prefer the cleaner look of the arm.

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I have the tank-arm mount but hearing all the complaints I might alter it somewhat. I could hang it as well, but I prefer the cleaner look of the arm.


Hell by the time you need to mount the light they might have a new mount figured out. I don't see why since AI is owned by Ecotech they didn't use the Ecotech XR15 mount. That mount looks much better then the AI Prime mount and seems like it actually works.

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Hell by the time you need to mount the light they might have a new mount figured out. I don't see why since AI is owned by Ecotech they didn't use the Ecotech XR15 mount. That mount looks much better then the AI Prime mount and seems like it actually works.

It's that a not so subtle dig at how long this build is going to take? :)

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