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Brooklynella On Ocellaris Clown?


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I have two black ocellaris clowns that I've had for two and a half weeks. I feed them twice a day on a varied diet of spirulina brine shrimp, Dr. Eco's Eggs, cyclops and occasionally small pieces of krill. I enrich with selcon twice a week. They live with a GBTA that I introduced to the tank at the same time as the clowns and they are hosting in it, however the larger clown no longer allows the smaller one to use it.


The smaller clown has been a rapid breather since I've had them, but has been extremely healthy otherwise. About a week ago I noticed a small clear oval shape just in front of his middle stripe on his right side, but not small enough to be ich. He was still acting completely normal. I went ahead and started treating with Prazipro on Sunday, splitting the dose in half and added the second half on Monday. Monday I noticed a second clear oval shape on the top of his head just behind his stripe, but the other one on his side had disappeared. Tonight I noticed his lips were starting to look a bit paler and there was a clear oval hanging from his belly in addition to the one on his head. The area where the one on his side was looks a little distorted if seen in the right light. He's still acting completely normal and eating a bunch. His tail is also torn, but this is from the larger clown attacking him (I witnessed it happen).


The pale lips coupled with the rapid breathing alarmed me and I became worried it could be Brooklynella. As far as I knew the onset of Brook is very rapid and if he had it I probably would've known by now. Am I wrong in this? Should I proceed by prepping a QT and getting Formalin to treat him or should I continue with the Prazipro?

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