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Cultivated Reef

white worm, segmented w/ black head

Weasel Baron

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Weasel Baron

any ideas? was about 3-4" long, no more than 1mm wide, slowly crawling around on the rockwork


no bristles or any identifying features aside from the black head and black lines that indicated segments





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Weasel Baron

Peanut worm


Could be, but unlikely. Too small, different body shape and size, no feathered mouth parts. Just looked like a really thin/elongated silkworm... even had a very caterpillar looking head. Haven't seen anything like it in saltwater

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Weasel Baron

hmmm, maybe. Havent seen it since, so Im hoping its not something weird like a tapeworm

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hmmm, maybe. Havent seen it since, so Im hoping its not something weird like a tapeworm

physically impossible, the tapeworm would have short segments on the body and a funny head, plus they require hosts to live, they can't really move outside of their fleshy organy home

They spread by eggs which get eaten by other creatures infecting them

Your worm is probably fine, scavenging on leftover food and similar things

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Read a little more on the nemertia, some of the species will eat small crustaceans, eggs, and other worms. Others are carnivorous scavengers eating dead animals

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Weasel Baron

Read a little more on the nemertia, some of the species will eat small crustaceans, eggs, and other worms. Others are carnivorous scavengers eating dead animals


havent seen it again since, so maybe the dragonet got it :lol:

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