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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Is my open brain (trachyphyllia) doing alright?


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Just bought this coral yesterday and placed it in my tank. I'm not sure if I can tell that it's doing alright. All of my other corals make very obvious signs if they are happy or not.


The brain is not as big as it was at the LFS. At the LFS, the flesh was spilling out over the side and onto the sand. I've spotted it excreting some brown junk out of the mouths today. One other thing to mention is that I did a coral dip in cold water accidentally. Once I realized the water was cold, I took it out immediately. It was probably soaking in the dip for only a minute.


In my opinion I have it in moderate+ light and moderate+ flow. You can see the placement of the coral in my tank with respect to the light and the powerhead in the last pic.







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Its most likely stressed, give it some time to recover, it doesn't look that bad, my brain coral looked like that every once in a while and especially the first day or two that I had it in my tank. Brown stuff is normal from what I've experienced, they have to excrete the bad stuff somehow.

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Looks fine, it's just getting used to your tank, it should be open within a few days if it's happy with the flow. Mine looked way worse than that when I first put him in, now it spills out onto everything. They're fairly hardy.


Flow seems like it isn't an issue, they don't like extremely strong flow so where you've got it looks good. Colours will look great once it's inflated!

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  • 2 weeks later...



A couple days after these pictures I noticed it started opening up a little, but still not quite as much as the LFS. Then I went to Singapore for a week and left my fiancee to feed the fish.


Now it looks like it is losing its color and turning white. Plus, all the "ribs" along the outer rim seem much more defined and hardened. What's going on? My fiancee did not notice exactly when this started happening. Should I move it to the shade?





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Too much light, they are fine with alot more flow than most people give them, but sensitive to light.


Shade him and spot feed every few days

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Definitely getting too much light. Keep it well fed, shaded and it should bounce back. Brown stuff could also be coral poop, although looking at the pics more than likely zooxanthellae. My old trachy used to expel lots of brown goo every day after it was fed. Had that for 6 months with no colour loss.

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