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Tube anemone advice.


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Acquired a small tube anemone the other day. In my hast to have such a beautiful coral in my tank I took it before doing any research. It's very small and from what I've read about them so far they want to burrow its base into the sand bed. I have a fairly deep sand bed but my question is that it's attached to a frag plug. Would removing it from the plug be the correct procedure? Any suggestions will be appreciated.




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  • 2 weeks later...

The outer tube of the anemone is just made up of the anemones waste and not an actual part of the anemone so you can carefully remove the tube from the plug. Bury the anemone so that about 1/4" or so of the tube is above the sand. Keep in mind they will sting other corals and will expand greatly at night.

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Coral Scaper

Just burry it with the frag plug, rather than exposing the animal to unnecessary stress by removing it. If your sand bed is not deep enough you can make an artifical burrow with a PVC pipe (just fill it with sand). I am sure you know it is non-photosynthetic and needs to be fed?

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