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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Which skimmer do you recommend?


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Okay, the OPs last post was 3 weeks ago. You still around jgpico??

If so, AND if you end up getting the Aquamaxx, one thing - I just got mine up and running. The directions say to put the airline into some water to get it to prime; true; what they don't say is IMMEDIATELY after it primes you need to put your finger over that air line and cut all air to it until the skimmer calms down!! I hooked mine back up to the air intake - I think that's a reasonable assumption - meanwhile, water is absolutely shpewing out of the silencer, building up so much pressure that it's also coming out where the (very flimsy - come on, Aquamaxx!) O-ring is 'gently resting' to prevent a complete catastrophe, ultimately just imagine water, water, everywhere!!


I turned it on and off at least four times trying to figure out what to do. Finally I considered that there may be a little bubble of water still in the airline and pinched it off. Now this will make things worse for a second, but then everything will calm down and the skimmer will work as intended without the need for swim fins in your house! Good grief!! I wish someone would have mentioned that little tidbit before I spent a half hour in panic mode and sopping up water from all the cords behind the tank.

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