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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Bubble tip Anenome not getting better


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Hi All,


Short story: Purchased bubble tip in December. Had inadequate lights. Bubble tip shrunk and lost colour (went from green to brown).


Got Kessils in late January. Run them on a 12 hour cycle with gradual ramping up and ramping down, simulating natural sunlight. Have two Kessil A160s on a 29 tall.


Anemone still looks like crap. Seems to have good days and bad days. Is now the size of a dollar. Tentacles are brown and shrunken. I try to feed it but now it is inverted underneath a rock in the aquarium. Tried removing it and keeping it in a breeder box to feed it. Ate, with little strength, but shrunk even more. Doesn't seem to like light. When I feed it when it is under the rocks the damn clown or shrimp takes its food.


Also housing: 1 True percula clownfish, 1 watchman goby, 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 small birds nest coral, 8 head duncan colony, 1 small red monticap frag, 1 small purple monticap frag, 1 frogspawn coral (1 head), 3 blastomussas, a half a dozen small zoa colonies, 1 small green slimer acropora coral, 1 leather toadstool coral, 1 gorgonian yellow sea whip, 1 yellow pagoda coral, 2 ricordeas (they are doing very poorly as well).




500ppm Calcium

8 dKh Alkalinity

7.8 PH

Water 1.025-1.027sg

Ammonia 0ppm

Nitrites 0ppm

Nitrates somewhere between 5 and 10ppm

Phosphate 0ppm


Do weekly 10% water changes every Sunday and have an auto top off system installed. I manually dose calcium, magnesium and strontium as needed. I use IO reef crystals for my salt mix as it has plenty of trace elements. Also dose iodine occasionally. Friend tests the mg and sr. System is super stable and well cared for. Don't understand why this thing won't get better.

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Hapd to me too, I tried feeding it like once a week but i couldn't tell if it was eating or not, or if was rotting in it's stomach or if it was too much or too little light. I never figured it out. I tossed it at nickel shrunken size as I didn't want it dying in there polluting the water. Tried less and more flow, parameters were good. I never found out what it needed in time.

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I haven't fed my anemones for 2 months. I just got them and have let them acclimate slowly. I noticed the light was too strong and dimmed it to 20%, also my current has been diminished to slow lagoon, just to let them acclimate. They are slowly getting more plump and happier by the day. Then I will start ramping up my flow and lights, once they are normal I will begin feeding once a month, after like 3 or 4 I will slowly start feeding once a week, like they eat in the wild. Hope this helps in any way. (:

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I have never fed my anemone. Mine has also never had bubble tips and went brown in my tank. This is how it started off.


9 years later


I now have a giant brown stringy nem.

it split last year and I put one in my 5 gallon


green and now has bubble tips. I cant figure it out

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Yes it managed to kill all my coral. My 34 is now a nem tank. since the nem smothered or stung everything else in the tank.

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history tends to repeat itself. or I am a gluten for punishment


GBTA lose their bubbles and color in some cases. I have spent the last 10 years trying to figure out why mine did. It has been under Halides, T5, LED's (Stunner strips, Radion, Kessil, Hydra) I have tried everything. I finally gave up and let it do what it wants to do. Let it settle in dont mess with it. From what you stated about the Rics not doing well I think your problem is too much light. My gbta in my pico with the crappy 6 watt led has colored up and has bubble tips. Cut your light cycle down to 8 hours at 50% to 60% I never ran my kessil more than 60%. adjust it more to the blue.

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so how is the anemone doing under the kessils after a few days? any better? Are you sure she was very healthy when you got her?

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Don't remove the nem next time and put it in a box to try to feed it, you will stress it out. If it is bubbly and fluffy or stringy and fluffy, then you can feed him, but if it isn't, it most likely will not eat with too much enthusiasm.


I've noticed that with my GBTA, it doesn't like to be in the light for longer than 8 hours. So, if it's on for about another 30 mins, it will shrink and deflate itself and will not reinflate until the next day.

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