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3g Eclipse pics


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Thanks guys! I think it's worth it too. It's a nice scene while on the computer. My temps actually stay in the range of 72-78f. Usually around 76 most of the day. No heater. The fluval I believe is what keeps my temps down with all the water outside the tank.

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Wow, that's not bad. I turn my lights on for about 5 Hours and my water temp rises too high. Ihave to turn my lights off. How long so you use your lights?

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Well after about a month of keeping a clown fish it finally started to host in the RBTA that I was debating on trading in. It settled in the back right corner for sometime now and faces towards the back so no stinging of other corals. Also, I can get a nice reflection of if through the side glass too. From my seat at the computer desk it's a good view of it too. And now that the clown is hosting in it, I'm loving it. Here's a pic.



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That is cool. My maroon clown just started to host my RBTA also. They are cool looking in there, but now the clown wont leave it alone. Even when the lights are off and the anemone is closed, the clown is there rubbing hard against it. Wont let the anemone rest.

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3gEclipse, sorry for all the questions but im just amazed at your tank. If I was to get a Fluval for my tank, do you think that it can drop my temp with a few degrees? Im having a major temp problem. I have seen it go as high as 84, scarry huh! What do you recomend?

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Travis- no new corals yet but added a Red-headed goby. He's pretty cool. I'll add pictures next time.


Cesar- I definitely think a Fluval (big enough) or other canister filter will help drop the temperature. I also think it helps with the stability of the water chemistry. My temp was that high when I had the stock hood and filter. Took the hood off it dropped a couple of degrees. Took the stock filter off it dropped a couple of more (had a duetto in there for awhile). Added the Fluval and now the temps are 72-78.... usually hovers in the 76 range. I think it's great.

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3gEclipse, you think that it can drop the temp due to the fact that the water flow is going in there faster and at a stronger rate? Cause if that's the problem I have a cousin that has a Fluval 404 that is still in it's original box, never used and he wants to get rid of it. The great thing is that since he's my cousin it will be free, so he says.

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Hey 3GEclipseGuy, great looking tank man. You sure proved many people wrong on this thread with whether someone new to reefing could keep the RBTA alive and happy. Good job! Since it has grown so much, I would say that it is very much alive and happy. It also seems to have moved in the perfect location for your tank. Quick question for you. Are you currently running anything in your fluval filter? If you are, what are your nitrates like. I had a fluval on my 30 gallon reef years ago and the damn nitrates spike everytime until I cleaned the filter...which I had to do often. If you are running it empty, do you see any advantage to running the fluval as to running an aquaclear or another hob filter besides the increased water movement promoting evaporation? Also, i might have missed it, but do you have a surface skimmer attached to that fluval? If not, they are available and may help to keep surface scum down. Great job again and I look forward to future pics of your successes.

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Cesar- I pretty sure it'll drop the temps, that is if the water amount is pretty large for the canister. Not sure what size tank you have. Give it a try and let us know how it works.


MillerLite- Thanks! Yeah. I was a bit worried with what everyone was saying about the RBTA. Thanks to 2muchreef's link (unfortunately doesn't work now) I learned alot about keeping the RBTA. I have all the stock carbon and elements in there and my nitrates run over some but I do water changes every week (~25% of the water). So it hasn't had any ill effects. The surface skimmer attachment would take too much space in my little tank so, that's why I don't have it. Thought about an aquaclear with it's surface attachment for the future, just so that I'll have more room in the tank. The current intake and outflow of the fluval does take up some valuable space. So I think the advante to HOB is space saving. The advantage of the canniste is probably lower temps and flow. Evaporation is not too bad. I keep a pitcher of RO water around and add every now and then (~3 days).

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Well 3gEclipse I have a small 20 gallon tank. I just noticed as time passes by, Im making my tank into a total reef tank. So Fluval will do the job for this 20 gallon tank tha I have?

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I run my fluval with the carbon and sponges only, which I clean when I do weekly 10% water changes. I think one of the major advantages in a Fluval over an aquaclear (unless you use it as a refugium) is increased water volume. This is especially useful in a small tank like 3gs, which with rocks and all, displacement of water is quite high. The fluval or a sump for that matter stabalizes the displacement. On another note the Fluval and Aquaclear surface skimmer that I have seen are about the same size, and I feel both of them are too big for most nano tanks. 3G, try to find the new model Fluval in and outflow tubes, they are much more discreet, and you can cut the tubing to the desired length. Check my tank out, I've never thought they were too bad. All in all the Fluval is a good filter, but if you have the resources a sump/refugium would be the best way to add volume, stability, and a place to hide gaudy equipment. Just my piece...



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Well let me say something that might sound kinda dumb. I really dont know what is a refugium for! Yes I know it sounds dumb but I never had one. I dont even know what is the purpose of it if you have a small tank like mine. I have a 20 gallon and I thought that my hang on penguin power filter would be enough. Do you recomend a fluval and a refugium?

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Cesar: A refugium is set up like a sump which is an extra tank or specially made box that your tank overflows or pumps into. A sump is essentially a means of increasing the volume of water in a tank and concurrently many people turn sumps into their primary filtration devices, holding skimmers, sponges and hard to hide equipment like heaters or pumps. Many people incorporate refugiums into their sumps, which is a more biological aproach to filtration. Refugiums usually consist of liverock, benificial algaes, and other various organisms. If your still a little blurry on the subject search for refugiums on this page, you should find some good information. My post above was not to recommend a kind of filtration, as there are many adequate kinds, only to give an opinion from another Fluval user. I really feel that most any kind of filter will work in a tank as long as you have proper matinence routines, flow, and a developed biological system.



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BH2O- Thanks for the heads-up on the new model in and outflows but I can't really see them on your tank. Can you possibly post some pics? Which I guess that does prove your point of being discreet. Where did you buy/order them from? Any name for them?

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3G: I'm pretty sure these tubes come stock on Fluvals now. Mine came with the filter but was missing the outflow nozzle, which I didn't mind cuz it was kinda big. I'm sure if you do a search on google for Fluval replacement parts you should be able to find them. Here is a pic, they are on the right of the powerhead. Also the color seems to blend in better than the greyish white of the previous ones. ~BH2O

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  • 1 month later...

i was browsing and i was wondering 3geclipseguy if you had any updates? you've been MIA for almost 2 months or so, come back and show us a full tank shot!

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