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3g Eclipse pics


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You better spot feed those sun polyps quick.The bottom polyps look really retracted, however I know yuo can save them ,just will take time and effort.Goodluck.

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love those shrooms... good luck w/the sun coral! it'll take a while for it to come out ... but when it does, it'll look great! :)


as for the GSP... who cares if u lose a little here and there :P just frag it off and trade it for something else!

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Ok.... I just spot fed the sun coral... but it doesn't "seem" like they are taking anything. It all just swirls around it. How much do you "squirt" it? How do you know if they are taking it in?

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their tentacles will extend when they feed, when they do, you'll see them catch the plankton and slowly pull it towards their mouth. it's very interesting to watch.


if their tentacles/polyps aren't extended, don't worry, continue squirting just A LITTLE every evening just so they can "smell" the food. within 2-3 days they should start peaking out and after 1 week they should be out and eating.


here's a tip: try feeding them during night when the lights are off. just squirt a little in the tank, and wait 15 mins or so, and see if their polyps extend, if so, then feed just a little to each polyp.

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What are you feeding it ? It will take time for it to get used to eating at certain times.It wont eat till it opens up fully.Btw , hope you know what you got yourself into.You need to feed it every other day so it could create an unstable enviroment if you dont do water changes.

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Originally posted by brianemone

how long has the anemone been in there??


2 months... almost 3. I think I'll wait until mid Sept to see how big it gets. If it gets too big before then, I'll definitely have to trade it in.

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Originally posted by uchiha

their tentacles will extend when they feed, when they do, you'll see them catch the plankton and slowly pull it towards their mouth.  it's very interesting to watch.


if their tentacles/polyps aren't extended, don't worry, continue squirting just A LITTLE every evening just so they can "smell" the food.  within 2-3 days they should start peaking out and after 1 week they should be out and eating.


here's a tip: try feeding them during night when the lights are off.  just squirt a little in the tank, and wait 15 mins or so, and see if their polyps extend, if so, then feed just a little to each polyp.


Cool. They kind of are extending now after the feeding but I'll try you're method (in the dark) over the weekend. Do you think I should stop water flow at first?

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Originally posted by corriewf

What are you feeding it ? It will take time for it to get used to eating at certain times.It wont eat till it opens up fully.Btw , hope you know what you got yourself into.You need to feed it every other day so it could create an unstable enviroment if you dont do water changes.


Feeding the anemone had me making consitant water changes already.... the left over silversides always left a mess. So, I''m keeping up with the w/c. I'm feeding it cyclopleeze stuff. The Liquidlife Marineplankton.... added some phytoplankton into it as well.

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you could try stopping the water flow. it doesn't help much in my tank when i do though since i've got a fire shrimp and clownfish zooming around trying to grab food.


to make sure u don't pollute the water, do what corrie said and feed every other day. *edit oh it was about anemone.. :D*


also, like i was saying before, try to squirt a little in the tank first, let it float around, this way the sun coral will "know" there's food in the tank and extend to feed. once it starts to extend you can spot feed without putting "too much" food in your tank.

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I had to rearrange some... the RBTA is getting out of hand and was stinging my cool new shrooms. Not sure if I'm happy with this set up but probably will need to trade this guy in soon. Feel free to suggest.

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That RBTA looks so good in your tank, that sucks it stings everything. Anyways, I've been thinking of types of coral to replace the RBTA without making your tank look too empty (within your lighting restraint).

I think that if you have good luck with the sun Polyps you should get another color morph and put it on the opposite side. Maybe add some more ricordia up top to brighten everything up, more zoos could always be added. I think if you buy smaller frags and let them fill in it would look cool. Well, thats my piece.



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i agree, 10 yrs ago, if i told anyone i made a 2 gall reef, they woudl say im crazy and everything is going to die, buti kept it running for 2 yrs. with it fully stocked. so best of luck to have the guts to try something new, even if the chances are low, i have respect for anyone willing to take a chance to expande the hobby,

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BH20- Thanks for the advice. I think I may be able to keep the RBTA. At least for sometime longer. It's been hanging around the back right corner, facing closer to the back so its arms aren't stinging anything now. We'll see how long that lasts. You're right about getting some rics and zoos. I hope maybe trade up with you on some rics. I'm going to make some changes soon to the left side of the tank as I'm happy with the right now.


Embryoguy- thanks for the props.

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that's a sweet little tank,3g... your rbta has grown significantly since you started this thread, so i wouldn't worry about any light issues. it looks really healthy, and i really dig those purple shrooms. keep up the good work.

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3gEclipseGuy, you have one nice tank. I have a question, the way your tank is right now on the picture, how much do you think you have spent? (money). Does that anemone stay still or does it go around your tank alot? Again BEAUTIFUL tank. Congrats.

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Thanks! The big money queston.... arghhh.


Tank- $40

Fluval- $80

Light- $35

Thermostat- $10


Live Sand- $7

Live Rock- $15



RBTA- $30

GSP- $30

shrooms- $100 in total

Xenia- free

Ric- $40 (there were 3!)

Yellow leather- $40

Clown- $15

Hermits, snails- ~$40

Cleaner (dead)- $12

Crab (dead)- $12

Sun Coral (dying)- $15


~$50+ for failed DIY stuff, or things that wouldn't fit.


So in total ~$600 with of course more will flow out.... argh!

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Oh yeah. The RBTA settled right into it's new spot in the back right. I'll post pics again soon. I may trade my polyp rock this weekend.

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