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3g Eclipse pics


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Great! So you totally ditched the stoch filtration? what type of filtration is that? Do you have glass over the water, or nothing?

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Originally posted by Tballa

Great! So you totally ditched the stoch filtration? what type of filtration is that? Do you have glass over the water, or nothing?


yeah.... heat was a problem with the stock filter and light. I figured the motor for the in hood filter generated heat as well as the light. Get rid of both and it'll drop the temp for sure. It did. Temp is great now. 72-76 degrees. Was thinking of a heater but this is good temp for catalina goby. heh heh.... I know the consesus is not to add any fish but I just have to have one swimming around. One of the LFS sells them for about $15 when he gets them. None around now but I'll wait and see. Another choice is a blenny of some sort.


The light has an acrylic splash guard so I just wipe it down. Evaporation does happen more without hood but it's no biggy since the tank is small I just keep a pitcher full of RO water around and top off when needed.

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Originally posted by clsund

RBTA's do not subsist on light.  They live on and need to be fed silversides.  It is a myth that you need high amounts of light.  


As for adding a goby, I wouldn't do it.  Gobies like to flick or skim around the rock, exploring the rock.  They don't really "swim" like a clown fish would.  With that being said, in your small tank, there wouldn't be much room for your goby to explore without coming in contact with your RBTA, which will sting, kill and eat your goby if it comes in contact with it.  And of course you have taketz's concern about bioload, though a goby really wouldn't add that much.  But it also means you with goby's out, you wouldn't be able to add other fish either because the bioload would be higher.  3 gallons is very limiting as to what you can keep.


I've been feeding it some MarinePlankton made by liquid life. I guess that will give it enough too? Why do you recommend Silversides vs any other types? Brine shimp?



I guess it's working. The cleaner loves the extra that gets on the sand.


I'm still going to try one fish... a small one for sure. Feeding will be the key.

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Just thought of somethign that would look awesome in your tank.Superglue some gsps to the back of your tank and let em cover that back.The color contrast would be something else.

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Originally posted by corriewf

Just thought of somethign that would look awesome in your tank.Superglue some gsps to the back of your tank and let em cover that back.The color contrast would be something else.


Ok... remember I'm still new to this. So.... GSPS? I would guess I would need to empty the tank, dry it, then super glue them on and wait to try?

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you dont need to empty the tank... what i did was take the purple mat, dry it slightly w/a clean cloth, put couple dabs of super glue and stick it on the back ... the glue starts to cure once it hits the water but u'll have a good 10-15 seconds to move it where you want. make sure u hold it in place to let the glue completely cure.

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3 Gallon....GSP....got me too when I was new. (green star polyps) is what it means, and it would look killer in that tank. I have a 2.5 minibow that I love to death. I have the exact same lighting as you do, plus another 13 watts of over kill...just for good measure. In my tank I have a green bubble tip, and also a false perc...while I don't suggest this to newbs it really is a great little setup for my G/f in her dorm. The good thing is that once the BTA over grows the tank...as well as the fish I have larger tanks to move them too...and trust me they do get big fast.


As far as feeding the anemone goes, they really need meaty foods like fish...thus silversides, squid chunks, clam chunks...and so on are a necessity. Your LFS will most definately have some, just ask them for their frozen stuff.


Tank ios really looking great though, and keep up with what you are doing, my only other suggestion would be to ditch the fluvial filter for a 2.5 gallon sump with the new Skimmer that Aqua C will be comming out just for nanos... or you could build Undertheradars DIY skimmer.

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i only have one thing to add...when that rbta outgrows your tank, i'll take it off your hands for free, becuase i know that those things are hard to get rid off.

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Whitten- thanks for the info on GSP. I should've figured that out too as I'm looking to buy a rock of that next. Not sure about sticking it to the class though. Worried I'll screw up and poison my tank full of superglue. I'm going to buy some silversides or mysis shrimp today. Saw them at the fish store the other day and thought "Damn those are big... how the hell do I feed it to an anemone?" then saw the site from 2much

Do you know when that new Aqua C is coming out? Any link info on that? I like the fluval just because I think it keeps my water quality very stable. It's almsot about 3/4 the tank capacity of water too. Think that helps for temp too. That was my thinking when I decided to go with it.


2muchree4u- that site is awesome with pics! I know exactly how this BTA will eat it now. Thanks!


Derek- KS is kind of far and not sure about shipping but I'll keep you in mind. :-)

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Fed my BTA a silverside today for the first time. I must say it is one of the coolest things I've seen so far. Here's some pics. The cleaner is really going at the eyeball of the silverside. I think that's ok... Most of the fish is in the anemone already. Anybody know?

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The super glue will not harm the tank at all.All you have to do is peel the gsp mat off the rock and simply glue them to the back.

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if you were to pull the GSP's off after a while, and you superglued it to the back of the acrylic, it'll never be the same! either part of the GSP mat will still be stuck on the back, or you'll have glue residue still stuck on your acrylic. a razor blade will be your best friend when trying to remove it :)


if you're looking at keeping the 3g setup long term it won't hurt :D

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Originally posted by Jay Fortay

Catalina=cold water


Yeah... I know. My temps are good for it. It won't get above 78 in my tank. But i got a Gold Neon Goby anyways.... still want a Catalina though.

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Starfish making his appearance to greet the goby. This starfish is awesome he cruises around all over the tank. Thinking about getting another orange one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What kind of starfish is that, what does it eat, and what other info on it do you have? They have those at my LFS, but i was unsure what their requirements are. Any info would be great!



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seeing how weel your RBTA is doing in a 3g set up with on 6 w per gallon, I might get one for my Clark Clowns in my 7g, I have 20 lb of Live rock in it so i figure there's realy only 5 gallons, and therefore since I have 40w of the tank, i have about 8w per gallon ;) that link for the info on the BTAs dosn't work for me?

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I think the RBTA ate my goby :*( And it's getting bigger! I may need to trade it out soon. Here's an updated pic.... Also got a new rock with some good color shrooms. The starfish is cool. The LFS sold it as a 'red star fish' for $15. It cruises around the tank all over and just eats I think algae and whatever is on the glass, sand, rocks, etc...

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