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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Aquastyleonline.com kit for bc29?


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I wanted to upgrade the lighting on biocube 29 and these kits caught my eye do to affordability and dimmable-ness. Does anyone use one of their kits in their biocube? Would I be able to mount it inside the hood and how? This is the kit I was looking at




Would this kit work, and what color ratio? Thanks in advance and sorry for so many questions, Liv :D

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If you are really strapped for cash, then they work. The LED and drivers aren't the best quality though. If you can swing it, look at the RapidLED or Steve's LED retros.


And yes, you will still need to run the fans.

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Dont get me wrong their fully functional leds. They're just behind in terms of output and efficiency when compared to current gen LED technology.

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Dont get me wrong their fully functional leds. They're just behind in terms of output and efficiency when compared to current gen LED technology.

Would the kit I posted be enough to keep some SPS and maybe a clam in the distant future? Could it be installed in the hood?

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Yes, it can support SPS and clams, and it can be installed in a hood. Its really not going to be good quality light though in terms of color. The whites in that kit are 10k, which will make the light look flat and cold. While corals will certainly grow under them, they won't look their best.

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If you are looking to spend A little more definitely Look into Steve's LEDs. I installed it pretty easily And my livestock seems to be doing great under it.

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if i were to supplement it with something like a ecoxotic stunner strip or the like, do you think the color would be more asthetically pleasing?

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  • 4 months later...

I bought the truelumen Nano led kit for my Biocube 14 and am having trouble with where the intensity levels should be set for each of the two light strips. I have been searching and asking all over and can't get an answer. I have softies and lps coral as well as inverts and fish...One strip is a deep blue strip and other is a Marine Fusion strip White/blue. The are on a dual ramp timer and original moonlights fro tank are on all the time until midnight for 6 hours darkness. Can anyone there give me some insight?

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If your keeping the hood save up and get a nanobox retro. By far the best set you can get.

Or go Rim and hoodless and that makes your options endless

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