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Cultivated Reef

Reef_Fiend's Biocube 14


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Hey everyone, I just picked up a lightly used Biocube 14 from a co-worker this past Sunday. He upgraded to a Biocube 29 and only had the tank for about 3 months before I received it. and of course i got a great deal on it. The purchase included live sand, a heater, 2 new filter cartridges, a magnetic glass cleaner and 50% salt water as well as new water at the LFS that was waiting to be picked up. Once I reached the LFS I picked up the water and 8lbs of live rock and headed on home to set up my tank.

Here's how it looks as of now... (click on image for better resolution)

15 Feb 2015




-Cobalt Aquatics MJ900

-Cobalt Aquatics 75w neo-therm heater

-Koralia nano or 1 powerhead recommendations?

-ditch the bioballs and do media rack with chaeto? opinions?

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I got home from work today and noticed a bunch of clear bubbles on my live rock. I searched the forums to try and diagnose what they are and where they came from. what I gather is they are nitrogen bubbles due to the tank cycling? does this mean I'm near the end of the cycle? or is it something I should concern myself with?

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That's normal. I do t know what it is but it happens with every new rock you drop in. Air bubbles escaping most likely. Nothing to worry about.


How long has the tank been set up?

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I'm a noob, so no experience to give, but your tanks looking good. I ditched the bio balls and am soon getting the intank media rack and fuge basket. I read that if you don't maintain the bio balls properly they could become a nitrate factory.

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