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nasty algae - not dinos, what is this gunk?


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is this dinos? my other thought is that it might be bacterial, I noticed a bacterial film on a lot of rocks when I started VC dosing, then I came upon an article about how white bacterial films eventually turn yellow/brown with age. I'm having problems getting rid of it and I'm tired of looking at it. there aren't usually bubbles in it and the few that ever are I attribute to trapped bubbles from the water, not produced bubbles like typical with dinos..


anyway, take a look at the pic and let me know what you think. I can try to get a better pic tonight if it would help. sorry the pic isn't focused on the gross growth, but you can see it both above and to the right of the mystic sunset monti.



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All I see is a very nice tank. I'm very interesting in seeing this bacterial film you are describing since I've started dosing vinegar. I dosed too much too quickly so I have a bloom on my hands right now. Shouldn't have been impatient. Once I get the vinegar dosing under control, then I'll probably see what you are seeing and I'll want to know how to deal with it.

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Very slippery and slimy. There were very transparent white fuzzy growths in most of the areas where this stuff grows, that's why I'm thinking bacterial growth..

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It's not sponge it's like nasty pond scum. And yeah I can blast a lot of it off with a baster pretty easily. It will either break apart or the whole patch will pull up from the rock.


There is no rigidity or structure to it, it's like slime and sways in the current.

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well, I think my first plan of action will be to stop the VC, and continue to manually remove as much as possible. the stuff doesn't really bother anything it's just an eyesore. a toothbrush and a baster gets rid of most of it, I try to do it an hour or so before changing my sock so I can actually remove as much as possible rather than have it settle somewhere.

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cyano maybe? it looks slimy, matted, and produces bubbles


also, many that have been carbon dosing, especially with vodka (not as much with vinegar) have said they've experienced cyano blooms

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cyano maybe? it looks slimy, matted, and produces bubbles


also, many that have been carbon dosing, especially with vodka (not as much with vinegar) have said they've experienced cyano blooms

not like any cyano I've seen, but there are many species of it and different growth patterns so it's possible I guess, and since it only seems to grow in areas that get plenty of light that would make sense. if it were purely bacterial it wouldn't care where it attached. and cyano could be fueled by carbon so stopping that could potentially solve it anyway.

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I would guess it's some kind of bacterial goop too. It's similar to what I had when I was overdosing carbon.

did you stop carbon dosing or just back off? how quickly did it clear up?

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did you stop carbon dosing or just back off? how quickly did it clear up?


It happened as I was switching from vodka to Zeostart3...I underestimated the power of the Zeo and didn't ramp down the vodka quickly enough. When I stopped the vodka the problem went away fast. Probably a week or less.

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  • 5 months later...

sorry for the bump of an old topic. I have the exact same stuff and cant get rid of it. I manually remove with water changes but it just comes back. Did you ever figure out what this was/how to get rid of it? I dose continuum aquatics A/B daily and dr tims waste away/eco balance weekly. No other supplements.

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ive had this same shit in an old tank of mine as well, thought it was feeding on silicates or something weird, tried the dr tims stuff as well, nothing helped. i pretty much started a new tank with new rocks, and manually removed as much as I could from corals and their plugs/rocks, or just clipped them fresh off to keep the rock out of new tank. never figured it out, but havent had a problem with it since, and have some of the same corals from that tank. many nights have I pondered what this snot was.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is in fact dinos. I had the same thing. Snotty consistency. I see some of the colors are in fact brownish while others being lighter.


That last pick looks exactly like what i had. all around the base of corals and on their tips. Looks like brown snot. I also see the bubbles, not all of them have bubbles.


At night you can actually see dinos swimming around.



Dino's thrive in a micro-fauna/bacterial/chemical imbalanced environment

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