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Will Swissguard basslet eat shrimp?


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I read that swissguards eat shrimp but most say no. I want to be sure of this to decide if am remving or keeping it on my wishlist. I just don't want to risk the poor shrimps lives.


They are blood and skunk cleaner shrimps.

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If it will fit in its mouth, certainly. Cleaner shrimp probably not so much, as they have the stripes on them that are associated with 'cleaners' pretty much throughout the world's oceans.

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I have a Swissguard, but no shrimp in my tank. I feed mysis and LRS. (None of my fish will even look at pellets. :/) My Swissguard is always front and center at feeding time. He takes mysis right out of the pipette as I squirt them into the tank. I'm pretty sure if I had a Periclemens shrimp or a sexy shrimp that he would try to snack on them. I think the size of the cleaner and blood shrimps would be a deterrent. And like Ben said, cleaner shrimp tend to get a pass from almost everything anyways because they are recognized as cleaners. My Swissguard will actually give my tiny neon goby space at feeding time and won't steal food from him. He has no issues snatching food from in front of the pearly jawfish though. (To be honest, my pearly jaw is a bit of a territorial jerk though.)

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Legendary Corals

How about small slender fish?

And am talking about the vast majority.

Why did I pass that candy basslet #(

My candy basslet kills little fish. So...


But I'd rather have my candy than little tiny fish anyday!

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I have a swissguard basslet with a blood red and peppermint shrimp, the basslet doesn't bother them. The basslet also doesn't bother my clown goby.

My candy basslet kills little fish. So...


But I'd rather have my candy than little tiny fish anyday!

Really? What kind of fish has it killed?

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I read that swissguards eat shrimp but most say no. I want to be sure of this to decide if am remving or keeping it on my wishlist. I just don't want to risk the poor shrimps lives.


They are blood and skunk cleaner shrimps.


You should be ok. I had a swissguard and he was a cool fish. Never bothered anyone in the tank, shrimp and fish included. Rearranged a rock one day and crushed him a little, he lasted for two weeks after that, RIP

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