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Real dumb question


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I'm currently mixing a big batch of salt in a brute container...I have a heater going in there to warm it up. I'm not going to need the water for a couple of days, however I could use the heater. Would it be bad if I took out the heater for a couple of days, then put it back in to heat the water when I need it?

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It shouldn't matter much if you heat and reheat but do watch out for evaporation; seal the container if you are storing for an extended time.

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Ok cool. That's what I was hoping for. I always check the water with a refractometer right before using it so I'm not worried if I have to add more water to bring levels down.


I also have a power head in there keeping circulation going, that will stay until I use the water

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The heater is really only there to help dissolve the salt, unless it's RedSea. I've honestly never used a heater to make SW and have never any issue.

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