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i got a some on my vaction to naples FL and i but some in fresh water and some in saltwater. the are different sizes all had no roots or steams just the "seed".


the ones in the freshwater pond all have roots now. but my saltwater mangroves have not, and both introduced at the same time.


how do i know when the seed is dead or dorment? if it black is it dead? what about wrinkly?


the ones that have rooted are nice green frim seeds with a little start of growth off the top and roots about 1/4" so far.


if my saltwater seeds dont grow can i move the FW ones in SW before it gets use to FW and i need 1yr to convert to SW?


understand what im saying clearly?

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They are just acclimated to different environments. A mangrove can grow in freshwater, salterwater or in soil. In order to switch the environment, you have to make a very slow change - over the course of several weeks, even months. I would suggest you only add a tiny amount of saltwater a day. Eventually over time it will get to the correct salinity. If you do it too quickly, they will go into shock. If they don't look firm, they are probably going to die. I don't think it will take a year, but it will take quite a while.


BTW - if you're growing them in SW, be sure to spray the leaves daily, or at least a few times a week to remove any salt buildup.


look here for more info:




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