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Sump or No Sump?


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I am currently setting up a 20 gallon long nano tank. For filtration I have an Aqueon QuietFlow 20 that will have carbon, purigen, and maybe filter floss. As of now I'm not planning on running a skimmer since I just don't have the space for it. The other option that I have is to go with a small 10 gallon sump (maybe a used 20 high). There is an overflow for sale here for a great price and I'm thinking of getting it but I'm not really sure. In the sump I would have either a protein skimmer or an algae scrubber. I would probably have some filter floss and a DIY trickle filter as well. Some spare live rock would also be great in there but I probably won't have the room. So after putting all that out there, do you guys think it is worth having a sump on such a small tank? I'm only planning on having soft corals, an anemone or two, and two clownfish.

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Both can be done. Sump is much lower maintenance if done right, but you have to put in the work at the start. You also won't have a messy display. No sump will need a little more maintenance, but in general can do well for what you are describing... PROVIDED you can live with wires and heaters in the display, etc.

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I wouldn't.. especially if you're only planning softies and fish. Lots of work/money for no particularly necessary reason :)


Second that. I'd also dump the floss, etc. and just put in live rock rubble. Before long, you'll have sponges and other natural filters growing in there.


The purpose of all that equipment is to extend the time between water changes. On a big tank that can be an issue but with a nano, you can get better results by just changing out 2 or 3 gallons every week or 2.


Of course, some people love tinkering with all the equipment so if that's you, by all means go for it but if you would rather look at the tank than work on it, just do regular water changes.

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Thanks for all the replies. Dumping the floss will definitely help with maintenance since I won't have to change that. The purigen is supposed to be for a 100 gallon tank so that should take a while before it needs to be replaced. I know it can be recharged but depending on how long it is before it needs it, I may just buy a new one instead of dealing with recharging. I actually don't have any rubble but would a bag of ceramic rings work just as well? As of right now I have a heater, one power head, Aqueon QuietFlow 20, and the auto top-off hose. With a sump I would obviously be able to pull out all but the power head and then just add the overflow box. The sump would also provide a place for a skimmer/reactor but I don't even know if I need that for such a small tank with only two clowns. In order to add the sump it would end up costing me about $100 for the overflow, tank, and return pump. That's not bad but I have a feeling it will just lead me to spending 2-3 times that much on extra stuff. haha. For now I think I'm going to go without the sump and just run carbon and purigen (do I need both or either??) in the HOB filter. Might route the hose for the HOB into the back of the filter but that's another project.


TL;DR Version:

- Thanks for all the helps

- Dropping the filter floss

- Going to run Purigen and carbon but unsure if I need both or either

- Ceramic rings would work instead of rubble in the filter, right?

- Is a skimmer necessary/recommended for this tank? (20 long with two clowns and soft corals)

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I would run a skimmer unless you plan on doing weekly water changes. Softy tanks are easy to care for because they like the water a bit dirty.

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If I get a skimmer then I definitely want to get a sump. I have enough stuff in my tank and it isn't even a very big tank from the start so I would rather not add something else to it. As of now I do plan on doing weekly water changes but I know a sump with a protein skimmer or algae scrubber would help reduce that. This won't happen for a while though so I have time. I do get paid in a few days which helps.

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While your fish and coral look great, I'm not a fan of having that much equipment in the tank. Would love to see the final product once the overflow and stuff is done.

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While your fish and coral look great, I'm not a fan of having that much equipment in the tank. Would love to see the final product once the overflow and stuff is done.

This is super old Lol. I'm no fan of equipment in the tank either.

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No sump 20l. I had a hang on back at first and bought that skimmer because I was going to drill the tank.



DIY over flow I made for free when I broke it down to paint the back and drill it




It looks like there is no water in the first picture. I think your clown fish can fly.

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Thanks everyone for the info and yes, it does look like the fish is flying. haha. I think I am going to get a sump but I'm going to be using all used parts. I'm currently looking at craigslist for the tank and return pump and should be finishing up a deal on here for an eshopps nano overflow box. Even found someone selling a "professional" algae scrubber which would be nice. Would probably have to add some more fish if i got that though. Sent an email asking for pictures and more information but it was late last night and I haven't gotten a response just yet.

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