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Coral Vue Hydros

Small HOB skimmer for a small tank?


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Been looking around for one, just not sure who offers what?


I have a small Petco brand ARC bow front 6.25 nano tank, the filter area is small like 3-1/4" from glass back. I'm looking for a skimmer that would HOB, either in the filter area with a pick up pump or it can be off the one side in the main tank area and HOB too. Either way!










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1 gallon weekly water changes is probably what you need and I wouldn't bother with a skimmer. Good luck.



Many owners of picos skip the skimmers and just rely on water changes. On tanks this small water changes are simple and inexpensive.

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Many owners of picos skip the skimmers and just rely on water changes. On tanks this small water changes are simple and inexpensive.

Yup, just use the money to buy some nice corals.

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I was wondering about if it would be necessary for such a small tank. Ok, water changes it is. I've got good flow and water surface movement. Thanks all!

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I was wondering about if it would be necessary for such a small tank. Ok, water changes it is. I've got good flow and water surface movement. Thanks all!

Now go and spend that money on some nice coral frags!

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i ran a 90 for 2 or 3 years without one. i had a very heavy livestock load. now that i think about it i didn't have sand in that tank either. i did 10 to 15 gallon changes every week to ten days.

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So my 10 gallon wouldn't need one either as long as I keep up with the water changes?

I have a ghost skimmer on my 10G fusion, and I don't have one in my 28G Nanocube and they both are doing great. I think that you would be fine without one. I do 1G WC on my 10g and 3g water change on 28g.

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