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algae growth


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So i got my 29g biocube set up and cycle started about 2 weeks ago and ive heard from a lot of people that i should see algae growing but i have yet to see a trace of it. Im pretty sure i know my problem and that is im a big green dummy and have hardly had my lights on but i'll be starting my timer tomorrow, I've also had my pump, skimmer and everything else on as well should i shut the pumps of till algae starts to grow or leave it as is with the lighting on?

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First put on the lights, don't expect any growth without light. You don't need really any pumps moving to assist algae growth. In fact the build up of nutrients should help if you want algae growth. If you just want your tank to cycle, the algae is not the first thing you should watch for.

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I've had algae only tanks, they can be fun, you just have to pick animals that don't pick on your algae to keep.


Snails then are usually your partial enemy for those tanks

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