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1 koralia nano good enough for 10g


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I have 1 koralia nano 240 in my 10g reef, I gotta say its weaker than I expected.


Should I get two? Or a single koralia 425?


It will be soft corals and polyps, not planning on having any hard corals.

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No. I have a Nano 425 and a Koralia 1 in a 16G bowfront with 3" of Southdown sugar sized sand in it and it won't even move the sand.

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I think i'm going to install a HOB overflow to a sump pretty soon anyways. Would that help with the water movement enough that I wouldnt need another koralia?



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Partially Submerged

Yes, any sort of sump system is going to provide nice water movement (if done properly). I'd probably still go for a slightly stronger powerhead to push the water around. It depends a bit on your livestock, of course. You could also put the flow-loving corals near the powerhead and the others farther away from it.

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Aim for 30-40xGPH turnover for SPS, bit less for softies or FOWRL.


Always better to have your flow coming from multiple weaker sources than a single, poweful source. Learned that the had way.

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I'm probably going to buy another koralia in the meantime while I'm deciding how to do this sump. I threw the 170gph topfin powerhead I bought for water changes in there last night and it looks 3x stronger than the koralia. Probably just because its a jet-style pump tho.


Should I get the koralia 425 or 900?

Is the 900 overkill?

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The 425 is the same physical size as the 240 only with a larger impeller so is still small. The 900 is over twice as big and is an eyesore in a small system.

In addition to the 425 and K1 in my 16G I also have a modded AquaClear 110 HOB on the back which I shaved the impeller down on. It can be used as a refugium or place for bags of media as wel las circulation.


If you search my username you should bring up some old posts where I took pictures of the Nano and 900 side by side along with Sicce Voyagers, the older Koralia K series and the newer Jebao WP-25 and WP-40. I still don't have a WP-10 or the new RW series but would like to try one in my nano soon. I have two WP-25's in my 100G and love them.

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I have both the 240 and 425 on my 6-7 gallon (I say that because the rock displaces some water but I'm not sure how much exactly) and I have sps growing BUT my lps was never happy and it was always too much flow so I sold it all. I also have an hob marineland 20 gallon filter on my tank so that provides flow too. My sps is extremely happy with the two. When I turn off one powerhead my tank is not as happy.

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