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Innovative Marine Aquariums

do your fish have identifiable personalities


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My blenny is like a grumpy teenager. He is fine for a while then he gets all pissed off and hides for a while. Then his spots go away and he comes out.


The clowns are like storm troopers. They don't get spooked, they eat anything that fits in their mouth, and they have no expression, but sometimes they get in a hurry.

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Yes, my powder brown tang and sargassum triggerfish are both dicks. The tang tail slaps anything new that is even remotely similar in shape and the trigger has tried to eat just about everything I've added. The trigger will come up to my hand and look for food and I'll thump him on the side. He gets mad and flares his fins at me lol

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I have a black sailfin blenny who has a favorite corner of the tank to drop his poops. He swims over and props himself up against the glass doing a tail stand and away it goes. Then back to his cave.

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