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what is the highest MP can i upload to the forum?


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Either my photos are too big. or they upload fast and are low quality. whats the biggest megapixel size i ca upload to here with. my nikon goes from VGA to 20mp. thanks yall! (btw its a P&S not a dslr. its a Nikon l330

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If you hit reply with more options, you will find your answer there...


You can upload up to 1MB of files (Max. single file size: 1MB)

Well i knew that, but how do people post such high quality photos? I can take amazing macro shots at 20 mp's but theyre wayyyy to big to upload.

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Resize them down to around 1024x768 or 1280x1024 resolution and keep the quality up. At these resolution, picture shared on forums is plenty enough for people to enjoy. You're not making prints, you dont need all that megapixel.

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depends how you export them, you can remove a lot of information behind a photo but still keep quality. Not too sure what you are using to export the images but, if lets say you are using lightroom you can limit the max possible image file size, and it will export under that (details still kept).


But instead of uploading directly to this website, what you can do is just upload your images to lets say image shack, flickr, drop box, etc, any file hosting site of your choice. Then when you post, just copy and paste the image URL, and it will pop up on the post. image size will be irrelevant to the 1mb limit since its not actually uploading an image, rather than linking the image.

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As stated you're not making prints. Larger file size does nothing to the human eye when viewing at about 800 px wide which this site automatically down sizes to. A crappy photo can be 20mb but it doesn't make it a great photo.


Most upload to an image site and link here using the code. So no worry of file size.


Plus a huge file size just pisses people off waiting to load. Especially if you have a long string of them.

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