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Danny's 10g Nuvo Fusion


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Hey all,


My name's Danny and I've been a member here for about a year now. I started my first reef tank over a year ago. It's a 50g mixed reef and I enjoy working with it but have always been interested in starting up a nano tank. Well the time has finally come. After learning a ton with my 50g (and spending many thousands in the process), I am ready to embark on my 2nd reef tank. The goal during setup will be to do everything right the first time while at the same time being budget conscious. This is also my first time documenting a tank online and I look forward to sharing it with you guys. Here's what's up so far:



Innovative Marine Nuvo Fusion 10g

I always google for coupons to your favorite pet/fish websites. I found a 15% OFF. So got the tank itself for $85.



Going dry this time. It's cheaper and decreases risk of pests/unwanted hitchhikers/nuisance algae. Ordered 6 pounds of MacroRock flat shelf pieces (on the way). Picked up another 4ish pounds from the LFS. $3 bucks a pounds so about $30 in rock.



Tahitian Moon Black Sand $30.16 (after 15% coupon).



Ordered an intank media basket. Not cheap but will certainly help maintain water quality. $40.99 - 6% coupon = $38.53.

Will probably run chemi pure blue or maybe just some GFO in a media bag.

Also a few marine pure biofilter balls.

And filter floss.

Planning to do weekly 33% water changes.


Other purchases

Eheim Jager Tru Temp Heater $23.99

Prodibio StartUp - 6 vials $9.99



Going to try the stock pump. Have an old Hydor Koralia Nano head if needed.


Total cost to set up (without light): $217.67


Will be purchasing a AI PRIME as soon as it comes out. $200 for light + $50 for mounting arm.


Total set up: $467.67.


Here's where we're at so far:












As for stocking plans..... budget does out the window lol :lol:





A single fish....either a high end clown fish, Helfrichi firefish, or if I can find one, a candy basslet.



Anything that will pop against the black background and black sand.

Colorful acans, zoas, mushrooms

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I like the concept of getting equipment as cheap as possible so that the livestock can be cherry picked and the best of the best. I like your concept and have only one thing I would change, I would grab a used MJ900 and use it as your return pump. These can be found used for $10-15. This will give you some additional flow that won't add more clutter to the display.

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I like the concept of getting equipment as cheap as possible so that the livestock can be cherry picked and the best of the best. I like your concept and have only one thing I would change, I would grab a used MJ900 and use it as your return pump. These can be found used for $10-15. This will give you some additional flow that won't add more clutter to the display.

Yeah that's a great thought, I might do that too. I've never replaced a pump... I assume it's pretty easy.

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Yep, disconnect the tube that attaches the stock pump to the return and pull the pump out and replace with the new pump. If you want to get rid of all pumps inside the display you could even step up to an MJ1200 which is just under 300gph.

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For this setup I've used coupons from petstore.com, valuepetsupplies.com, and intank. Just google before you're buying something or look on retailmenot.com.

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Hey all. Got the tank up and running today. I rinsed the sand about 20 times. Also installed the upgraded pump. Inserted the intank media basket with just filter floss for now in the first chamber. The 2nd chamber has about 12-13 marine pure bio balls.


This is the aquascape I was thinking about adding tomorrow... What do you guys honestly think? Not much room to work with...





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Looks good and :welcome: to the IM 10 Fusion club! There are several of us with this tank now, but since it's a new model we're all learning together how to best use it. I'll be following along to compare notes.

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Thanks guys!


Light has been purchased! Grabbed a nano box mini + storm controller. I was shooting for the AI Prime due to the lower price but they keep pushing back the release date. I contacted Aqua illumination and they said the release date probably won't be until the new year. So a payed a little more but I know for sure I'm getting a great product. The reviews are amazing... Looking forward to it.

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The only bad thing about the Nano Box is waiting for it to be custom built and shipped. I love the one I have now, and I have a second one on order now :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just did some testing and looks like the tank is cycled. Any suggestions on fish? I want one possibly 2 higher end fish... willing to spend about $100 on each. Was thinking a helfrichi firefish but i've heard those personality. Also I kind of wanted to steer clear of clowns since they're just everywhere. Anybody have any ideas on a centerpiece fish that works in a 10g? I was thinking a midas blenny but I'm not sure 10g is enough for one. Any thoughts?

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I think a helfrichi would be really cool, sure they are shy but he will get more comfortable and come out. It would be cool to get a little barnacle cluster for him to hide in and put it in the front so hopefully you could still see him in there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...


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