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need recommendations for two more fish


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Recently upgraded to a cads 50 gallon artisan cube and I'm looking to add two more fish. Current stocking


Mocha occy clown pair

Six line wrasse

Midas blenny

Yasha goby pistol shrimp pair


Was thinking about a flame angel or one of the pygmy angels as one of the additions


Open to any and all recommendations

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Flame angels are really nice, the colors really pop and it swims around the tank a lot.

I'd be careful though if you have any corals.

Another one I would do is a reef safe wrasse if you have a closed top.

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I have the sixline so no more reef safe wrasse for me. I had a potters angel that didn't want to adapt to my tank so a more experienced reefer took him off my hands. I love the dwarf angel personality so i would like the flame and my lfs has 3 ranging from 2 to 3 inches. I was considering a green banded goby as the other

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Flame's are awesome, just have a plan in case it starts nipping or eating coral. Also, usually it's safer buying the smallest one possible. They've had less time to expand their appetite.

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