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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Royal Gramma Help


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Hi there,

I recently purchased a royal gramma and he has been in good health for the past few weeks. The last two days I haven't seen him during regular feeding time and today I removed the rock where he usually hides and found him upside down but breathing. I removed him and set up a qt tank. No signs of external parasites and all other fish (two clowns) and inverts are fine.

Tank parameters

ammonia 0


nitrate <20ppm

Tank is a ten gallon and has been up and running for 4.5 months.

He really does not look well and when he attempts to swim it is as if he has no balance, swirling everywhere. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.


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Really just throwing ideas out, but I would lean towards internal parasites. Could be bacterial swim bladder issues but normally they float or swim upside down or something crazy. General lying down is typically lethargy in my experience which is almost always a symptom of another pathogen which really could be almost anything, the swollen belly would generally indicate an internal problem unless he's just really well fed in which it's irrelevant.


I don't really like shotgun treating, but would probably aim for praziquantel and/or metronidazole for internal parasites or protozoa or furan 2 for broad spectrum antibiotic treatment.


If there's any more symptoms you can observe, it might go a long way in accurately identifying what's wrong. Treating without having a probable illness is usually an ineffective waste of money. Something like lethargy, assuming it's not swim bladder related, is a symptom of almost every illness.

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thanks so much for the reply, I know it may be a long shot, but he was recently digging and moving sand/substrate pieces in his burrow. Do you think there is any chance he could have become impacted with some sort of substrate and is now struggling with swim bladder issues ?

As far as other signs and symptoms, the fish has been fine up until yesterday... he usually makes an appearance during feeding, just yesterday and today he did not come out. As far as pinpointing other signs and symptoms, I have looked closely, it appears there are no signs of external parasites (ich etc), and his physical appearance seems fine aside from the slightly enlarged abdomen.

I am not sure if he will make it until tomorrow, and LFS are closed any at home remedies that I could try to alleviate the situation until tomorrow when I can pick up some meds?

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