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FS: SEASON'S GREETINGS and Idaho Grape Monticap


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Post up some pics of the colony after the fragging- how often have you done that? Great color on your grape

Will do. Thanks! I've hacked at it before but this is the biggest trimming I've done so far. It was really starting to cover my grandis palys and I wasn't having any of that :).

I have a frag of this from Gena's tank...all I can say is it is awesome! Grows fast, very hearty, and deep rich color. Get in line!

:flower: thanks, E!!!!

Always love your monti cap fusion. Next time you fragging, let me know :)

Thanks :). Maybe next week ;).

Wish I had a place for it.

You sure you don't? :)
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cool- ya I've thought about fragging my Birdsnest but can't bring myself to it yet- I did accidently break off a few branches but I kept them and mounted them- now they are starting to take off. The day is coming though

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I can totally understand not wanting to cover the grandis palys. I'm excited seeing the polyps on mine get bigger. I'll try to see if I can't find a spot, but I don't have many high places for it to go over

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If I fulfilled every request I've gotten for the cap I wouldn't have any grape cap left :lol:.


Thank you all for the positive response to this classified ad :flower:.


This round of grape cap is shipping out tomorrow.

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All frags made it safely to their destinations by priority mail with no issues...and one took 3 days to get to Wyoming. I've been doing a little experiment of my own. I've had this little monticap frag sitting in this bag since Monday and it's still alive. I was curious how long it could last in the bag before bleaching out. My husband says it's cruel and unusual punishment :lol:. I say this little guy is just taking one for the team.





I did some more cutting today. I have more frags available this time, but I'm letting them heal up for a week or so. It's supposed to be pretty cold next week throughout the country anyways. The following week might be better for shipping. I'll be sure to post them up here when I am ready to ship them.


Oh and that white part on my experiment frag in the bag is actually a pebble/shell. There is no bleaching yet.

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Mine arrived in great shape and the packing was fantastic, triple bagged with plenty of insulation. It probably could have been lost in a snowstorm for a week and still made it alive.

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It's good to know those things, nothing wrong in that I'd say. Just in case there was a flub up w/ the postal service.

Exactly :).

i would think it's the temperature fluctuation that stress coral in shipment the most. maybe you should put it in the fridge for a few mins every once in awhile =P.

This guy has managed temps ranging from 67 to 77 over the last week. Maybe I'll go throw him in the fridge now :lol:.

Could you add me to that long list

I don't have a list. But I do plan to PM people who contacted me, to let them know they are posted here, when I put the next frags up for sale. It will be first come first serve. Thanks for your interest :).

Mine arrived in great shape and the packing was fantastic, triple bagged with plenty of insulation. It probably could have been lost in a snowstorm for a week and still made it alive.

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