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First salty tank... 29 gallons of fun! Now 40 gallons!


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Haven't updated in a while... little guy keeps us busy...


Got a little behind on water changes, glass got pretty ugly... Lost a few zoas, but everything else is doing well! Will have to post some updated pics soon... Stay tuned...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got a yellow watchman goby a while back, he's doing great, my two survivor rock flower nems are doing great, tank is looking pretty good...


I do have some aiptasia to deal with, I'm currently nuking the affected rocks... They picked "base" rock, so it was an easy decision to just kill off the rocks they were on...


I promise I will post pics soon!



Here's a recent pic...

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  • 1 year later...

It has been forever since I have been here. Unfortunately this tank hasn't been salty for a long time. I think the tank failure and restart was too much- it went downhill pretty fast. Algae all over, trouble keeping corals alive, etc. Should have just started from scratch instead of trying to keep what I had going... The tank itself is still in use as a planted freshy tank, but it's just not the same as salt...


Life with a child is keeping us busy, but I feel the call to return to the salty side of fish keeping, maybe after the Christmas season is over I will start again...

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