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Cultivated Reef

Urgent, help clowns fighting


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Hi, My Lfs sold me a cin clown about 2 weeks ago. He was always fine. My lfs sold me an occelaris clown last night and said that it would be fine with my cin clown as long as I got the big one. The two clowns are about the same length. When I first put them in the tank they started fighting and it's been one day and the fighting has calmed down but the occelaris is still getting chased about the tank. What should I do? It's a 3 gallon tank. Should I return the cin clown and get another occelaris. Problem is that the fish store don't have any left in stock so would an occelaris be fine on its own in my tank for a week or so until I get another for it to pair with? All parameters are good.

Thanks for any help.


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cinnamin clowns are really aggressive, take it back. or risk it killing your clown, and a 3 gallon is too small for clowns, they would get even more aggressive in small spaces, best bet is to just not have fish in a 3 gallon

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Mr. Microscope

3 gallons is too small for one clown, let alone two. Cinnamon clowns get way to to big for even a 20 gallon. I say, return both fish and get a small goby or something pico appropriate like a cool invert. Sounds like you need to do a little more research though. If you find an animal you think it cool, do some reading up about it first and make sure you have an appropirate setup to care for it. There's a lot of cool things you can do in a pico aquarium. Clownfish are not one of them though.


BTW, :welcome: to Nano-Reef!

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