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Coral Vue Hydros

squat lobster tank idea


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I have been admiring some of the squat lobsters that have been showing up on diver's den lately. I bought one once for my six gallon tank and it "ran" underneath by cabbage coral and was mia. I decided that such a tank is not suitable for the animal.

I have a couple of items that I bought at a yard sale: One is a goldfish bowl that holds about a gallon and another glass bowl, probably meant for mixing eggs or other liquids in the kitchen, it holds about .75 gallons (I measured them) . I bought them thinking of making a sort of pico tank with sump with them at a later date. I have not done anything with them yet except for using one to have a snail with a pretty shell, that died, rot out to add to my mom's shell collection.

I was thinking of setting them up with a feather duster worm and the squat lobster (I have also been thinking about an emperor shrimp but I have to do more research on that).

Thoughts? thank you.

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Dr.Brain Coral

Squat lobsters would need more room. More like 5 or 10 gallons. I would say the Emporer shrimp would be a very bad idea. They live on host sea cucumbers and eat there fecal matter. So they need a massive tank for there host cucumber.

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